Monday AM Notes, September 2, 2024

It’s the first week! I always love the start of the school, so much promise lies ahead! A big thanks for the retreat last week, it felt so great to connect about some really important things at the heart of what we do!

A few notes to get you going these first 3 days:

*School-wide theme: Community…what else could it possibly be?!

1) Be sure you are up to date on the First Two Weeks

2) We will have Community Time on the first day at 8:45am. Prior to bringing your students down please spend a few minutes (if you can!) setting expectations. Last week we talked about the importance of focussing on this– let’s start with the following traits of good audience members (this can also easily transfer to outside performers/experts who come to school). Asking your class what makes a good audience member would be a great way to start the conversation, and they will likely nail every one of these!

Good audience members:
*Sit next to people they feel will also be good audience members
*Quietly listen when the hosts/performers are speaking, singing, or performing
*Let the hosts/performers know they appreciate their efforts by clapping and cheering when they are finished
*Politely ask their neighbors to be quiet if needed
*Leave their snacks and any toys in their classrooms

3) CT on Thursday this week will be hosted by K-2 teachers, on Friday by 3-5 teachers. Let’s set the tone by starting at 7:45am!

4) Please review Playground guidelines!

5) Reminder about our conversation regarding Choice Time: Students can stay in but must be in a classroom (more often than not, Frans’ room)

6) Here is the after school in-class pick up rotation for this year
Mondays: Kinder and Grade 1 families 
Tuesdays: Grades 3 and 5
Wednesdays: ALL outside 
Thursdays: Grades 2 and 4 families
Friday: ALL outside (Bread and Jam every other week–coming soon!)

Note: Kinder and Grade 1 families will do inside pick up every day the first week.

7) I sent you all an email about how we will approach gate duty–please read it!

8) Attendance: EAs will continue to take care of this each morning. Karima will do Kinder/Grade 5/Grade 4, Diane will do Grades 1/2/3. Please help them provide reasons for absences if you are in the know. Eventhough lunch is free we will still take a count every day. Thanks!

9) Afternoon duty help needed first day! Normally we don’t have afternoon Choice Time on Wednesdays, but we do on the first day. Since no one is assigned to duty on Wednesdays I kindly request that everyone try to be out on duty the first day–you’ll probably need the break and some fresh air! As a reminder, here’s the duty rotation–be sure to grab a vest and fanny pack, and have your keys and phone:K-2 Teachers (including Lauren) on Mondays and Thursdays, 3-5 Teachers and Haley on Tuesdays and Fridays.

10) Classroom agreements: Please make time this week to create classroom agreements with your classes, and find ways to tie it to Taking Care of Self/Others/Place.

11) As a reminder, Specials (Enrichment, PE) and Invitations start next week.

12) You will be provided with some paper work for each student to take home on the first day (including a Camp Amity permission slip). Please be sure it goes home and that you let parents know to expect it and to sign and return forms ASAP. Please collect and track the Camp Amity permission slips as they come in, and keep them in the folder. Please also collect all other forms and pass them along to Patti and she will track them.

13) Just FYI, a message about birthday treats went home to parents last week. It outlines the decision we made last year to discontinue treats in favor of other, more lasting ways of celebrating.

14) Speaking of treats…we’ll get Cafe Amity and Bread and Jam up and running in the next few weeks.

September Calendar
As requested, here’s my first shot of including a calendar in my posts. I’m sure it will evolve, let’s see how it goes!

4-First Day, dismissal at 2:15pm56
91011-SIW12-Fire Drill, 9am13
16-Bus evacuation drill, 9am
In house ICCL, 2:30
17-Staff Meeting, 2:30-3:15pm18-SIW: TWD
Back to School Night-5:30pm
19-Lion’s Vision Screen, 8:3020
23-Camp Amity24-Camp Amity25-SIW/TCT26
Lockdown, 9am
27-Pancake Breakfast, 7-8am

Here we go–let’s have an amazing, joy-filled year!

Monday AM Notes, June 17 2024

Well, we made it! Time always moves so quickly at the end and so much has happened in the last few weeks of school–thanks for all the fun and celebrations, the community feel has been amazing!

I can’t end the year without sharing my deepest gratitude for all of you. This is a special group of people and I couldn’t feel more fortunate to do the work we do together. The children of Amity are so lucky to have you in their lives, loving them, inspiring them, guiding them, and being there for them in some of their most challenging moments. You are a truly extraordinary, compassionate, funny, silly, inspiring group of people and I am so proud to be a part of this team.

A very few notes to get you going:
1) Invitation Bonanza today. 3 rounds: 9-9:30, 10-10:30, 12-12:30. Be sure you have signed up: Invitations June 17

2) Memory Book signing on Tuesday starting at 10am. A couple notes on this:
*We talked about not using sharpies as they end up making a big mess, and no signing of clothing. Please review expectations prior to signing time, this will help to avoid books being defaced (we’ve struggled with this in recent years!)
*Best to have your own class do their signing of each other’s books prior to the 10am start time.

3) I owe all the classes popsicles on the last day for their stewardship efforts at Aspen Hall–they did a good job cleaning up after themselves. Let’s do this at 12:45pm and then send ’em home.

4) Please let me know when you are done with your Grows and Glows so I can do a quick read through before you print-just another set of eyes looking for anything you may have overlooked. Mostly I’ve been fixing minor formatting things.

5) Let’s meet at BBC at 2:30pm on Tuesday. This will give you a little time to tie up loose ends after school and perhaps keep you from having to come back!

June 17: Invitation Bonanza
June 18: Memory Books from 10-11, popsicles at 12:45, out at 1pm.
June 18: Staff gathering at BBC, 2:30pm

Here’s to a great last 2 days!

Monday AM Notes, June 10 2023

It’s the last full week of school! Lots of fun ahead this week and I’m excited for all the festivities!

In the spirit of gratitude, I cannot thank you all enough for pulling off what by all accounts was an amazing family BBQ! Thanks for all the extra efforts in my absence, I am truly grateful!

A few notes to get you rolling:
1) More than anything be sure you are keeping an eye on the Last 2 weeks 2023-24 notes–there’s a lot to keep track of and it should all be on this calendar. If there is something missing or you’ve added events for the week please update this calendar so we are all aware. Things really pick up on Wednesday and keep rolling!

2) For the Volunteer Tea we’ll have the EAs each supervise 2 classrooms so you can free yourself up for 15 minutes to come down and share your appreciations for our amazing volunteers. Please plan something kiddos can do mostly independently during this time.

3) We’ll start the Grade 5 Community Celebration at 9:45 on Wednesday, with Choice time at 9:15-9:35. Please have kiddos bring down chairs.

4) SIW this week is a Teacher Work Day. While I am sure you are all keeping track of end of year stuff, here is what I have on my list of things that need to get done:
*Sign up for last week Invitations extravaganza: Invitations June 17
*Grows and Glows
*Share Gratitude!

5) Kickball on Thursday will start at 9am. Let’s have all students on and around the field to start the game–no students on the playground at the start. As in year’s past students will slowly drift into Choice Time as they lose interest in the game. Is there anyone (or any two) who don’t plan on playing (due to injury only😳) who would be willing to supervise students as they make their way to the playground?

6) Water Play on Friday, 1:30-2pm. Water truck and sprinklers! Please be sure to communicate this to families so students come with dry clothes to put on if they want. High of 72 predicted for Friday.

Upcoming (also keep track of last 2 weeks activities: Last 2 weeks 2023-24)
June 11: Grade 4 Lava Lands/Cave
June 12: Grade 5 Celebration, 9:45-11am
June 12: SIW, out at 1:00pm
June 12: iPad roll-in for Grade 5
June 12: Volunteer Tea (hosted by Andy and Patti), 8:30-9am
June 13: Grade 5 Graduation, 5-7pm
June 14: iPad roll-in for Grades 2/3/4
June 14: Bread and Jam
June 17: Invitation Bonanza
JUne 18: Memory Books, 10-11
June 18: Last day, 1pm release. Staff gathering shortly after school gets out!

Here’s to a great last full week ahead!

Monday AM Notes, June 3 2024

New School-Wide Theme: Gratitude…this shouldn’t be too hard to get into!

It’s June…I can’t believe we are already here! We have just over 2 more full weeks to go, let’s really enjoy and appreciate this time of year!

Before the notes for this week, I need to let you know that my dad is being discharged from his rehab facility this Thursday–it’s great news, of course, but they are sending him home in a wheelchair which will present some significant challenges. I will be heading to LA on Wednesday to make final preparations at the house for my dad’s return and then pick him up on Thursday. I’ll take the weekend to help my folks settle in with the hope that I will return late Sunday night or early Monday morning. So, I will be out Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. Brad will be here Thursday and Friday and will stick around on Thursday to help out at the BBQ. I love this time of year with the kids and all of you and I’m super disappointed to miss even a moment of it! Thanks once again for your understanding and support.

A few notes to get you rolling:
1) Gratitude is our new theme and I think we chose this one well in terms of the time of year. The end of the year can truly be a wonderful time of reflection, and a perfect time to acknowledge and express gratitude for all that has been shared throughout the year. Please take time in the next 2 weeks to tap into this theme with your kiddos, and be sure to share with parents as well.

2) Camp Amity Monday and Tuesday! We leave at 9:30am and busses should be pulling up along Broadway.

3) Staff Meeting on Tuesday at 2:45pm. Ray’s room. Add to the agenda here: Staff Meetings 23-24

4) The final Cafe Amity of the year is this Wednesday–Grade 5 hosts for the last time!

5) Camp Fire has invited the Bend Fire Dept for a visit on Wednesday after school. They will be blocking off the parking lot from 2-3pm for a truck to pull in. Be sure not to park in the lot if you have somewhere you have to go before 3pm.

6) BBQ on Thursday, 5-7pm. Please arrive early to help with set up and to get the grills fired up and ready to go. There are always little things that need to get done before the show starts. New Kinder families (for next year) will be joining us!

7) SIW this week is a Teacher Work Day. While I am sure you are all keeping track of end of year stuff, here is what I have on my list of things that need to get done:
*Sign up for last week Invitations extravaganza: Invitations June 17
*Grade 5 gift
*Grows and Glows
*Share Gratitude!

Upcoming (also keep track of last 2 weeks activities: Last 2 weeks 2023-24)
June 3/4: Camp Amity!
June 4: Staff Meeting (last one of the year!), 2:45pm in Ray’s room
June 5: Cafe Amity, Grade 5’s last cafe to host
June 5: SIW, Teacher Work Day
June 6: End of Year Community BBQ
June 11: Grade 4 Lava Lands/Cave
June 12: Grade 5 Celebration, 10-11am
June 12: SIW, out at 1:00pm
June 12: iPad roll-in for Grade 5
June 12: Volunteer Tea (hosted by Andy and Patti), 8:30-9am
June 13: Grade 5 Graduation
June 14: iPad roll-in for Grades 2/3/4
June 14: Bread and Jam
June 18: Last day, 1pm release. Staff gathering shortly after school gets out!

Here’s to a great week ahead!

Monday AM Notes, May 27 2024

I hope you had a fantastic 3 day weekend! We only have a 4 day week ahead but it’s chock full with good stuff!

A few notes to get you going:
1) As I mentioned a few weeks back when we were talking about staffing for next year, we are looking to hire a .2 counselor for next year. We had only 2 candidates apply and both will be visiting this week. Bryn will be here on Tuesday from 10-11 and Katie will be here from 8-9 Thursday. We will be dropping into classes (likely not all). Please welcome them!

2) Memory Book Night for Grades 2/3/4 on Wednesday from 5-7pm

3) Both Kinder (Weds) and Grade 2 (Thurs) have outdoor ed trips this week!

4) SIW this week is to use as you see fit–plenty to do!

5) On Friday we have a Summit High theater group coming to perform The Real Story of the 3 Pigs–show starts at 8:30am. All classes.

6) Here’s the link I sent you last week for the last 2 weeks–please add to it if you have new things to add. Also, is there something on there that is not right? Last 2 weeks 2023-24

7) I have an admin meeting at Rosland Elementary in La Pine on Tuesday at 3pm so I will be heading out at 2:15pm.

8) Looking ahead, we have Camp Amity next Monday and Tuesday! Both days are looking to push into the 80’s! Also, we have the annual BBQ next week as well.

May 29: SIW, In house
May 29: Kinder to Miller’s Landing
May 29: Memory Book Night, Grades 2/3/4. 5-7pm
May 30: Grade 1 Benham Falls East
May 31: Summit High production of The Real Story of the 3 Pigs is coming to Amity, 8:30am.”
June 3/4: Camp Amity!
June 4: Staff Meeting (last one of the year!)
June 5: Cafe Amity, Grade 5’s last cafe to host
June 5: SIW, Teacher Work Day
June 6: End of Year Community BBQ
June 11: Grade 4 Lava Lands/Cave
June 12: FULL School Day, no early release
June 12: iPad roll-in for Grade 5
June 12: Volunteer Tea (hosted by Andy and Patti)
June 13: Grade 5 Graduation
June 14: iPad roll-in for Grades 2/3/4
June 14: Bread and Jam
June 18: Last day, 1pm release. Staff gathering shortly after school gets out!

Here’s to a great week ahead!

Monday AM Notes, May 20 2024

Hey All,
I hope you had a fantastic weekend and that those of you who have been not feeling so great are feeling better! 21 days to go and we have a three day weekend is on the horizon!

A few notes to get you rolling:
1) Staff Appreciation Breakfast provided by the district is Tuesday starting at 7:15am. Please try and arrive early that day so we can enjoy the breakfast together!

2) Tuesday afternoon is our last Team Collaboration Time of the year. Take a little time to reflect on the work you have done together this year and start thinking about what you could collaborate on next year. 2:45pm

3) SIW this week is in-house and you can use the time to work on Grows and Glows or other things that need your attention.

4) I will be out Thursday and Friday this week–I’m headed down to LA to help my folks out. Brad will be here Friday to support.

5) Here’s the link I sent you last week for the last 2 weeks–please add to it if you have new things to add. Also, is there something on there that is not right? Last 2 weeks 2023-24

May 21: Team Collaboration Time
May 22: SIW, In house
May 22-24: Grader 5 Coast Trip
May 23: Grade 2 to High Desert Museum
May 24: Bread and Jam
May 27: No School
May 29: SIW, In house
May 29: Kinder to Miller’s Landing
May 29: Memory Book Night, Grades 2/3/4. 5-7pm
May 30: Grade 1 Benham Falls East
May 31: Summit High production of The Real Story of the 3 Pigs is coming to Amity, 8:30am.”
June 3/4: Camp Amity!
June 4: Staff Meeting (last one of the year!)
June 5: Cafe Amity, Grade 5’s last cafe to host
June 5: SIW, Teacher Work Day
June 6: End of Year Community BBQ
June 11: Grade 4 Lava Lands/Cave
June 12: FULL School Day, no early release
June 12: iPad roll-in for Grade 5
June 12: Volunteer Tea (hosted by Andy and Patti)
June 13: Grade 5 Graduation
June 14: iPad roll-in for Grades 2/3/4
June 14: Bread and Jam
June 18: Last day, 1pm release. Staff gathering shortly after school gets out!

Here’s to a great week ahead!

Monday AM Notes, May 13 2024

Hello Sun Worshippers!
I hope you throughly enjoyed the unbeleivably amazing weather this weekend! It feels so good to put winter behind us…finally!

A few notes to get you going:

1) Teacher Appreciation Week! Remember that Tuesday (Borkowski family) and Thursday (FOA) lunch are being provided for you.

2) On Monday Grades 1/3/4/5 are going to Mary Poppins@Caldera, 9:15-11:15.

3) Staff meeting on Tuesday at 2:45pm, Ray’s room. We’ll talk about the Grade 5 gift (come with ideas!), Grows and Glows, ideas for the last week (and the 2 days after that), bowling, and more. Any agenda items? Add them here: Staff Meetings 23-24

4) Cafe Amity this Wednesday hosted by Kindergarten!

5) DIBELS on Wednesday

6) SIW this week is a Teacher Work Day–enjoy the time! But before you get to work stop by the staff room for a few minutes (1:15pm).

7) Grades 2 and 5 are headed out on Outdoor adventures on Thursday!

8) FIRE DRILL on Friday at 9:20am

9) With the change in weather most of you are starting to open your windows throughout the day to bring in the fresh Spring (summer?) air. After you all left on Friday I noticed windows still open in 4 of 6 classrooms. Often these open windows go unnoticed and could potentially be left open all night (and weekend). Please take a moment at the end of each day to make sure windows are closed and locked. Thanks!

May 13: Grades 1/3/4/5 Mary Poppins@Caldera, 9:15-11:15
May 14: Staff Meeting, 2:45pm
May 15: Cafe Amity, Kinder hosts
May 15: SIW, Teacher Work Day
May 15: DIBELS
May 16: Grade 2 Think Wild walking field trip, 8:30-11:30 am
May 16: Grade 5 Lava Lands
May 17: Grades K/2 Mary Poppins@Caldera, 9:15-11:15
May 21: Team Collaboration Time
May 22: SIW, In house
May 22-24: Grader 5 Coast Trip
May 23: Grade 2 to High Desert Museum
May 27: No School
May 29: SIW, In house
May 29: Kinder to Miller’s Landing
May 30: Grade 1 Benham Falls East
May 31: Summit High production of The Real Story of the 3 Pigs is coming to Amity, 8:30am.
June 3/4: Camp Amity!
June 4: Staff Meeting (last one of the year!)
June 5: Cafe Amity, Grade 5’s last cafe to host
June 5: SIW, Teacher Work Day
June 6: End of Year Community BBQ
June 11: Grade 4 Lava Lands/Cave
June 12: FULL School Day, no early release
June 12: iPad roll-in for Grade 5
June 12: Volunteer Tea (hosted by Andy and Patti)
June 13: Grade 5 Graduation
June 14: iPad roll-in for Grades 2/3/4
June 18: Last day, 1pm release. Staff gathering? Yes, please!

Here’s to a great week ahead!

Monday AM Notes, May 6 2024

School-wide theme: Perseverance! Aka, we got this!

Greetings All!
I hope you had a fantastic weekend. Big thanks to those of you who made it to the auction on Saturday, always great to have you there! What a fun night–and quite successful both as a social gathering and fundraiser!

I know Monday AM is not the greatest time to share a link but this was a good, quick read about 3 Modes of Thinking. Even if you can’t read it now, click on it so it creates a new tab that you can get back to later.

A few notes to get you going:
1) SIW is in-house this week. We’ll meet to chat about a few things but the bulk of this time will be for you to use as you need. 1:30 in Brian’s room.

2) Time is elusive at this point in the year so be sure you have plans for getting Memory Books and Glows/Grows done! There will also be some SIW time on May 29 to work on these.

3) Please send portraits home with parents on your inside pick up day this week.

4) Please take a moment to remind kiddos about Choice Time expectations–outside or in a classroom. It worked very nicely after our meeting last week, so thank you!

5) Thanks to those of you who have finished your Self Reflection in UKG! If you have not done so, please do first thing this week. Also please be sure you are checking UKG regularly and completing tasks. There are still a few of you who simply need to sign off on some documents to keep the work flow moving. Thanks!

6) We need to get the word about the levy out to parents. Please share the following link in your communications this week: BLP Levy 2024. I’ll also be sharing it with parents, but the more the better on this one! While we can’t “advocate” for supporting the levy we can certainly get informational materials out. We need this!

7) Officially it’s Teacher Appreciation Week, but due to the auction we’ve pushed it to next week–be prepared to be showered with love!

8) The last day of school is now June 18th. Traditionally we get together for a drink or two after school on the last day and I’m hoping we can keep the tradition going. Please do all you can to block off that time so we can celebrate the end of the year together.

May 7: Grade 5 walking field trip (all day)
May 8: SIW (Staff meeting combo), In house @1:30pm
May 10: Bread and Jam
May 13: Grades 1/3/4/5 Mary Poppins@Caldera, 9:30-11:15
May 14: Staff Meeting, 2:45pm
May 15: Cafe Amity, Kinder hosts
May 15: SIW, Teacher Work Day
May 15: DIBELS
May 16: Grade 2 Think Wild walking field trip, 8:30-11:30 am
May 16: Grade 5 Lava Lands
May 17: Grades K/2 Mary Poppins@Caldera, 9:30-11:15
May 21: Team Collaboration Time
May 22: SIW, In house
May 22-24: Grader 5 Coast Trip
May 23: Grade 2 to High Desert Museum
May 27: No School
May 29: SIW, In house
May 29: Kinder to Miller’s Landing
May 30: Grade 1 Benham Falls East
May 31: Summit High production of The Real Story of the 3 Pigs is coming to Amity, 8:30am.
June 3/4: Camp Amity!
June 4: Staff Meeting (last one of the year!)
June 5: Cafe Amity, Grade 5’s last cafe to host
June 5: SIW, Teacher Work Day
June 6: End of Year Community BBQ
June 11: Grade 4 Lava Lands/Cave
June 12: FULL School Day, no early release
June 13: Grade 5 Graduation
June 18: Last day, 1pm release. Staff gathering? Yes, please!

Here’s to a great week ahead!

Monday AM Notes, April 29 2024

Hey Team,
Hope y’all had a great weekend! It’s auction week, so hold on tight!

A big congratulations to Haley who has been nominated for the Excellence in Education Award this year. We have all felt the incredible impact Haley has had on our school and we have all benefitted from her incredible collaborative approach! Congrats Haley!

A few notes to get you rolling–short and sweet this week:
1) SIW this week is in house. Agenda coming soon–we have lots to catch up on!

2) Please encourage parents to support the auction and to attend it! We are still in need of donations for the class baskets, donations for the silent auction, and volunteers. Encourage parents to be on the look out for communications from me all week. Thanks! Also, hoping all of you can make it to the auction as well–it’s always a lot of fun!

3) I have an admin meeting Tuesday right after school so I’ll be scooting out around 2:40pm.

4) No Cafe Amity or Bread and Jam this week…we’re putting all energies toward the auction!

Upcoming (please note some changes to meeting days/focus)
May 1: SIW, In house
May 2: Grade 2 outdoor ed trip!
May 4
: Auction! Theme is “Out of This World”
May 7: Grade 5 walking field trip (all day)
May 8: SIW (Staff meeting combo), In house
May 10: Bread and Jam
May 13: Grades 1/3/4/5 Mary Poppins@Caldera, 9:30-11:15
May 14: Staff Meeting, 2:45pm
May 15: Cafe Amity, Kinder hosts
May 15: SIW, Teacher Work Day
May 15: DIBELS
May 16: Grade 5 Lava Lands
May 17: Grades K/2 Mary Poppins@Caldera, 9:30-11:15
May 21: Team Collaboration Time
May 22: SIW, In house
May 22-24: Grader 5 Coast Trip
May 27: No School
May 29: SIW, In house
May 29: Kinder to Miller’s Landing
May 30: Grade 1 Benham Falls East
May 31: Summit High production of The Real Story of the 3 Pigs is coming to Amity, 8:30am.
June 3/4: Camp Amity!
June 4: Staff Meeting (last one of the year!)
June 5: Cafe Amity
June 5: SIW, Teacher Work Day
June 6: End of Year Community BBQ
June 11: Grade 4 Lava Lands/Cave?
June 12: FULL School Day, no early release
June 13: Grade 5 Graduation
June 18: Last day, 1pm release

Here’s to a great week ahead!

Monday AM Notes, April 22 2024

School-Wide Theme: Last week of Stewardship, Perseverance up next!

Happy Earth Day!
Hoping you had a beautiful, sunny weekend! Last week was a tough one so I am hopeful you had time to take care of yourself over the weekend. I’m looking forward to a great week!

A few notes to get you going:
1) Team Collaboration Time on Tuesday, 2:45-3:30pm. I will be at an admin meeting.

2) SIW this week is Educator Network. We will be at Jewel Elementary from 2-3:15pm.

3) FIRE DRILL on Thursday at 10:45am

4) Meeting for Grades 1/2/3 with Carol on Thursday. 2:45 in Grade 2 room. She’d like to update you on how we are identifying students for Special Education.

5) Please share info about the auction in all your communications for the next 2 weeks. We need continued support of the class baskets, donation procurement, and volunteers. All this info will be shared by me as well, but it’s crunch time so we need all the help we can get! Thanks!

6) I’ll be starting up Mini observations again. For this round I’ll just be doing it spontaneously and will follow up with you afterwards.

7) I’ll be off campus from 1-2pm on Friday

April 23: Grade 5 Benham Falls East
April 23: Team Collaboration Time
April 24: SIW, Educator Network at Jewel. 2-3:15pm
April 25: Grade 4 Riley Ranch Reserve
April 26: Grade 3 Caldera Arts Center
April 26: Bread and Jam
May 1: SIW, In house
May 4
: Auction! May the 4th be with you! Theme is Out of This World
May 8: SIW (Staff meeting combo), In house
May 10: Bread and Jam
May 13: Grades 1/3/4/5 Mary Poppins@Caldera, 9:30-11:15
May 14: Staff Meeting, 2:45pm
May 15: Cafe Amity, Kinder hosts
May 15: SIW, Teacher Work Day
May 15: Grade 5 walking field trip (all day)
May 16: Grade 5 Lava Lands
May 17: Grades K/2 Mary Poppins@Caldera, 9:30-11:15
May 21: Team Collaboration Time
May 22: DIBELS (may change)
May 22: SIW, In house
May 22-24: Grader 5 Coast Trip
May 27: No School
May 29: SIW, In house
May 29: Kinder to Miller’s Landing
May 30: Grade 1 Benham Falls East
May 31: Summit High production of The Real Story of the 3 Pigs is coming to Amity, 8:30am.
June 3/4: Camp Amity!
June 4: Staff Meeting (last one of the year!)
June 5: Cafe Amity
June 5: SIW, Teacher Work Day
June 6: End of Year Community BBQ
June 11: Grade 4 Lava Lands/Cave?
June 12: FULL School Day, no early release
June 13: Grade 5 Graduation
June 18: Last day, 1pm release

Here’s to a great week ahead!