Monday AM Notes, September 12 2022

Happy First Monday!
I hope you had a great weekend with plenty of time to rest up. Michelle and I loaded up our van and headed to the Metolius on Saturday and had a great hike along the river. We also had a great camping spot along Canyon Creek.

A few notes to get your week rolling:
What a fantastic week it was last week, with so many community highlights-three Community Times, Invitations, two rounds of Buddies, and a nice Friday afternoon with popsicles! It really was a fantastic week, thank you for all your hard work getting ready. I feel like we’re ready for our first full week!

1) We learned a thing or two during our first short week, especially related to the beginning and end of day. Drop off and pick up were a little wobbly at first, but smoothed out by week’s end-a big thanks for your patience! Starting today (Monday) we begin a regular rotation for families coming in to pick up their kiddos. If there is a parent who absolutely cannot come in to retrieve their kiddo, please work something out with another teacher and have that student join the other class at dismissal. I don’t foresee this being a big issue, but just in case. Here’s the schedule:

2) Specials start this week–PE and Enrichment! Please walk your classes to and from PE and Enrichment, this really helps keep transitions smooth. Check the master schedule to be sure you know your times, and please be on time with drop off and pick up to keep things running like the finely tuned Swiss watch we are. Seriously, it really helps!

3) Regular Community Times begin this week starting on Tuesday with Grade 3. Please remember to communicate with parents to let them know when you are hosting and that they are invited to attend on that day–and that we start promptly at 8am. Please also remember to continue to review habits of a good audience.

Good audience members:
*Sit next to people they feel will also be good audience members
*Quietly listen when the hosts/performers are speaking, singing, or performing
*Let the hosts/performers know they appreciate their efforts by clapping and cheering when they are finished
*Politely ask their neighbors to be quiet if needed
*Leave their snacks and toys in their classrooms

CT rotation
Monday AM: Classroom connection time
Tuesday AM: Grade 3
Wednesday AM: K or 1
Thursday AM: 2 or 4
Friday PM: Grade 5

4) Y’all look great in neon yellow-thanks for making sure to have a vest on when you are on duty!

5) For Grade 4 and 5 (and EAs) only: Starting today Grade 5 has priority for sitting at the tables outside at lunch. If a table is left empty once all 5th graders have settled on their lunch spot, Grade 4 students may use the table and cannot be asked to leave it if Grade 5 students later decide to sit at the tables. I plan to visit both classes on Monday AM to share this info, but just in case I don’t make it please share this with your classes before lunch.

6) SIW this week will be time to catch our breath, reconnect to the work we did at the retreat, and have time to meet with your team. Look for an email with more info today or tomorrow. Looking for a volunteer to do the warm up activity–any takers?

7) I will be leaving shortly after school gets out on Monday and Tuesday for Admin meetings.

8) Please remember that we will have Back to School Night next Thursday, September 22. I’ll send more info soon, but be sure to communicate this to parents. I will also share the information with parents this week.

9) SIW and Staff Meeting dates (now until Winter Break)
September 14-School based
September 20-Staff Meeting
September 21-Teacher discretion
October 5-School based
October 12- Teacher discretion
October 18- Staff Meeting
October 19/20-Conversations
October 26-School based
November 1- Staff Meeting
November 2-Teacher discretion
November 9-School based
November 16-Teacher Education Network (district)
November 30-School based
December 7-School based
December 14- Teacher discretion

Upcoming Dates (be sure you have these on your calendar)
September 12-16: Scholastic Book Fair-CANCELLED. More info soon
September 20: Fire Drill, 9:20am
September 22: Back to School Night, 5-6:30pm
September 26/27: Camp Amity at Shevlin Park!  9:30am-1pm 
September 29: DIBELS
September 30: Lockdown Drill, 9:20am
September 30: Pancake Breakfast, 7-8am
October 3/4: Dental Screenings
October 11: Picture Day
October 12: Vision Screening (Lion’s Club)
October 15: Harvest Festival (tentative, pending parent volunteers)
October 18: Earthquake/Fire Drill, 9:15am
October 19/20Conversations, No School
November 10: Secure Drill, 9:20am
November 11: Veteran’s Day, No School
November 21-25: Thanksgiving Break, No School
November 29: Fire Drill, 9:20am
November 30: Picture Retakes

Here’s to a great week ahead!