Monday AM Notes, January 9 2023

Good Morning To Ya!
I hope you had a fantastic weekend and are ready for the first full week of 2023-it feels like we are off to a great start!

A few notes to get you rolling:
1) If you haven’t already done so, please remember to sign up for your eval/goal setting meeting: Eval/Goal Setting Mtg

Also, please be sure to fill out the document ahead of the meeting–I sent each of you a link to your document. Thanks!

2) SIW this week is Educator Network. The meetings are at Elk Meadow beginning at 2pm.

3) Short meeting with Anna regarding the new Language Arts adoption on Monday at 2:45pm. Ray’s room.

4) BINGO Night next Wednesday! Please include info in your communications with families this week and next. Here’s what I sent last week:
We’re excited for BINGO Night on Wednesday, January 18 starting at 5:30pm. Dinner will be from 5:30-6pm and you are encouraged to bring your own food or pre-order pizza from Friends of Amity. Here’s the link: We will do BINGO from 6-7pm. This is always a really fun night, we hope you can join us!

5) I shared with you recently that we would be offering tours for families interested in applying to Amity Creek (as we have for eternity) but we have been instructed by the district office that we are not allowed to do tours during school hours. So, scratch the tour dates I recently shared, we will include a short tour as part of the info sessions on Feb 22.

6) Friday Community Time–possible change. For some time now there has been some interest expressed in moving CT on Fridays to the morning. I am very open to this idea but would like all of you to consider the option, how it will impact your schedule, and whether or not you are in support of the idea. I’ll check in with each of you by the end of the week and then make a final decision. If there is going to be a change we’ll inform Grade 5 parents to give then time to adjust. Thanks for considering the option.

January 11: SIW-Educator Network, at Elk Meadow 2-3:15pm
January 16: MLK Day, NO SCHOOL
January 18: Winter DIBELS
January 18: SIW-teacher directed
January 18: Family BINGO Night! Details to follow…
January 26: Student Success Meetings
February 2: Work day, no students. We’ll split this day–part team time, part your time
February 3: Work day, no students. Must be on campus this day.
February 22: Amity info meetings for lottery, 2:00 and 5:30pm
March 1: Variety Show!

Here’s to a great week ahead!