A Happy Monday to you!
Hoping you made the most of the weekend. I was fortunate to stay at Brad’s cabin on the McKenzie this weekend and it was positively phenomenal!
A few notes to get you going:
1) Quick wish list items for Community Time:
*It’s really great when there is a physical activity for the audience, it’s such a good way for kiddos (and adults) to get some energy out before they head back to class. Please consider adding a little activity to your CT.
*I miss the singing at CT and would love to see more or it–new songs or some of our old favorites (Unwritten, Amity Song, Count on Me, etc).
2) Conversations this week! If there are families that have not signed up or contacted you, please reach out early this week to see if you can get them signed up. PS: 3 day weekend coming up!
3) Staff Meeting on Tuesday at 2:45pm. Any items you’d like to have on the agenda?
4) Jonathan Dunnaway (Noah and Laila’s dad) came to chat with us about managing stress a while back. If you are interested in digging deeper with Jonathan on this topic please let me know. If there are a few of us interested Jonathan will make time to meet!
5) No SIW this week due to Conversations, and next week is Educator Network.
6) An IMPORTANT note about supervision on the playground–please read carefully! In the Spring, staff energy tends to begin a slight downward slide, while student energy tends to begin a noticeable upward climb. One of the side effects of this mismatch of energy is that supervision on the playground tends to suffer a bit. What this looks like in terms of supervision is the adults paying closer attention to each other and not as much attention to students. When we are not paying close attention to students on the playground we can end up having more (preventable) injuries and conflicts. I think we can agree that this is not what we want. I alway say that good playground supervision is 90% prevention, 10% reaction–I’d like all of us to embrace this as we head into this last part of the year. A few reminders that will help us keep children as safe as possible:
*There are 3 main areas on the playground that should always be supervised: field, blacktop/gaga ball court, slide/swing/climbing area. Let’s be sure that there is at least one adult covering each area. This means staying spread out.
*Try to notice and anticipate problem situations or potential conflicts and use proximity to minimize the actualization of these issues.
*Always have your phone and keys with you.
*If you are fist adult out be sure to unlock the door. If you are the last adult in please lock the door behind you.
*If you see the red bag hanging when you get your lovely hellow vest, please grab it.
7) I will be away from school on April 20 and 21. Brad will be here to help out.
April 11: Staff Meeting, 2:45pm
April 12/13: Conversations
April 14: Day off!
April 20/21: Andy out, Brad here
Here’s to a great week ahead!