I hope you enjoyed the incredible weather this weekend! Only 5 days between you and Spring Break!
A few notes to get you going:
1) SIW this week is all yours!
2) Bree Beal is back again this week as our Visiting Artist. From all accounts the kids really enjoyed their time with her last week!
3) Cafe Amity this Wednesday hosted by Grade 2. If Christine hasn’t reached out yet she will soon!
4) This Wednesday Camp Fire has their annual after school ice skating trip and they’ve asked that we do all we can to get Camp Fire kiddos to them right after school so they can head out. Your help is appreciated!
5) IMPORTANT: On April 2 and 9 we will have another visiting artist, Sarah Swoffer (her organization is called Let’s Paint), and she will be doing acrylic self portraits with every class! She has requested that we get 3-4 parent volunteers to help out with each class. Please reach out to parents this week with the request. Below is the schedule–you’ll notice that April 9th Enrichment time will be used by 3/4/5 since there is no school that Friday.
April 2
K, 1, and 2 will be a regular Enrichment time. K will use the whole hour(ish).
April 9
10:00-11:00am: Grade 3
12:00-1:00pm: Grade 4
1:20-2:20: Grade 5
6) Just and FYI, there is a healthy Tech Talk on Tuesday at 6pm. Grade 4 and 5 families have been invited and many have signed up.
7) On April 2 a district rep will be at our Staff Meeting to provide info about the upcoming levy.
8) My gal is having surgery on Wednesday so at some point in the day I will be heading out-we don’t find out the scheduled time until Tuesday afternoon. I’ll be out on Thursday but back on Friday.
9) As requested I have moved the end of year BBQ to the week before graduation-June 6th.
March 20: Cafe Amity, Grade 2 hosts
March 25-29: Spring Break!
April 2: Levy Info at Staff Meeting
April 10/11: Conversations
April 12: No School
May 4: Auction! May the 4th be with you…some type of space related theme
May 31: Summit High production of The Real Story of the 3 Pigs is coming to Amity, 8:30am.
June 6: End of Year Community BBQ
June 13: Grade 5 Graduation
June 18: Last day, 1pm release
Here’s to a great week ahead!