Monday AM Notes, April 22 2024

School-Wide Theme: Last week of Stewardship, Perseverance up next!

Happy Earth Day!
Hoping you had a beautiful, sunny weekend! Last week was a tough one so I am hopeful you had time to take care of yourself over the weekend. I’m looking forward to a great week!

A few notes to get you going:
1) Team Collaboration Time on Tuesday, 2:45-3:30pm. I will be at an admin meeting.

2) SIW this week is Educator Network. We will be at Jewel Elementary from 2-3:15pm.

3) FIRE DRILL on Thursday at 10:45am

4) Meeting for Grades 1/2/3 with Carol on Thursday. 2:45 in Grade 2 room. She’d like to update you on how we are identifying students for Special Education.

5) Please share info about the auction in all your communications for the next 2 weeks. We need continued support of the class baskets, donation procurement, and volunteers. All this info will be shared by me as well, but it’s crunch time so we need all the help we can get! Thanks!

6) I’ll be starting up Mini observations again. For this round I’ll just be doing it spontaneously and will follow up with you afterwards.

7) I’ll be off campus from 1-2pm on Friday

April 23: Grade 5 Benham Falls East
April 23: Team Collaboration Time
April 24: SIW, Educator Network at Jewel. 2-3:15pm
April 25: Grade 4 Riley Ranch Reserve
April 26: Grade 3 Caldera Arts Center
April 26: Bread and Jam
May 1: SIW, In house
May 4
: Auction! May the 4th be with you! Theme is Out of This World
May 8: SIW (Staff meeting combo), In house
May 10: Bread and Jam
May 13: Grades 1/3/4/5 Mary Poppins@Caldera, 9:30-11:15
May 14: Staff Meeting, 2:45pm
May 15: Cafe Amity, Kinder hosts
May 15: SIW, Teacher Work Day
May 15: Grade 5 walking field trip (all day)
May 16: Grade 5 Lava Lands
May 17: Grades K/2 Mary Poppins@Caldera, 9:30-11:15
May 21: Team Collaboration Time
May 22: DIBELS (may change)
May 22: SIW, In house
May 22-24: Grader 5 Coast Trip
May 27: No School
May 29: SIW, In house
May 29: Kinder to Miller’s Landing
May 30: Grade 1 Benham Falls East
May 31: Summit High production of The Real Story of the 3 Pigs is coming to Amity, 8:30am.
June 3/4: Camp Amity!
June 4: Staff Meeting (last one of the year!)
June 5: Cafe Amity
June 5: SIW, Teacher Work Day
June 6: End of Year Community BBQ
June 11: Grade 4 Lava Lands/Cave?
June 12: FULL School Day, no early release
June 13: Grade 5 Graduation
June 18: Last day, 1pm release

Here’s to a great week ahead!