School-wide theme: Integrity and Responsibility
Hey All,
I hope you had a fantastic weekend! As you know my adventure to Vegas didn’t work out at the end of last week, but I had a good weekend nonetheless–it’s hard to have a bad weekend in Central Oregon!
A few notes to get you rolling:
1) Cafe Amity on Wednesday, hosted by Kinder
2) SIW this week is Educator Network. After the training we can chat about the Variety Show. 1pm in Brian’s room.
3) Fire/Earthquake drill on Friday at 9am. Drop and cover first, then fire drill.
4) Bree Beal from Beat Theater is here for the next few weeks during Enrichment. She’ll be working towards a final show that incorporates all the classes! We will do this at Community Time on Wednesday, Jan 29. With Cafe that day, and the entire school performing, plan on CT running late. Big thanks to Amanda for freeing up CT that day! This will be a really fun community-wide event!
5) I sent a note out a note to parents last week about midyear Conversations on January 31st and February 5th. Please be sure you are reaching out to parents this week to notify them that you’d like to meet. Please remember we are aiming to meet with 8-10 families.
6) Reminder–New Buddies start this week (now till February 14):
Here’s to a great week!
January (see below for Feb/March dates)
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday |
1 Break | 2 Break | 3 Break | ||
6 | 7 | 8 SIW in house, Lori presenting | 9 | 10 Andy out, Brad here Bread and Jam |
13 TAG ICCL Mtg | 14 ICCL Mtg, in house | 15 Cafe Amity, Kinder hosts SIW-Ed Network | 16 | 17 Earthquake/ Fire Drill 9am |
20 No School | 21 Staff Meeting | 22 SIW-Ed network follow up | 23 | 24 Bread and Jam |
27 | 28 Teacher Collaboration 2:30-3:15pm | 29 Cafe Amity, Grade 5 hosts All grades perform @ CT SIW-TWD | 30 31 Teacher work day, Parent Mtgs |
Upcoming (for Feb and March)
February 5: DIBELS
February 6: Winter Camp Amity!
February 7: Bread and jam
February 12: Cafe Amity, Grade 4 hosts
February 13: Grade 4 and 5 to Bend Science Station
February 14: Kinder to Bend Science Station
February 17: No School, President’s Day
February 18: Grade 3 to Bend Science Station
February 20: Grade 1 and 2 to Bend Science Station
February 26: Variety Show
March 5: Lottery Info Night
March 15: Auction
March 24-28: Spring Break