Monday AM Notes, November 4

Good Morning Team,
We’ve made it past Halloween and we’re in motion towards Thanksgiving! It’s a busy time of year, but it’s also a fun-filled–let’s embrace the fun!

A few notes to get you going:
1) Interviews for PE and EA tomorrow (Tues) from 2:45-3:45. I am hoping a few of you can participate. Thanks!

2) Borrowing or taking supplies from the studio? If so, it’s really important that you ask permission. Both Janelle and Julie are reporting supplies disappearing and not returning, often supplies they need and planned on using. I’m also checking in with Camp Fire, but they have previously been clearly instructed not to use any of our supplies. If you are in need of supplies, please work with Patti to secure them.

3) Per our conversation last week, I’d like to start booking a staff meeting time each week so we can dedicate time to talking about students needing extra TLC. We can do Tuesdays or Thursdays, 2:45-3:15. If you have issues with either day please let me know before a decision is made–by the end of the week. I look forward to this dedicated time!

4) SIW this week is district guided. Grades 3-5 will meet here and be involved in a webinar related to Dreambox (new on-line math program). The rest of you need to get on Performance Matters (portal) and sign up for a workshop.

5) Pastini Fundraiser Monday and Tuesday. We get to keep 50% of proceeds, including take-out. Parents have been informed several times but it would be great if you could include the info in any parent emails being sent home at the start of the week.

6) Cafe Amity this Friday! Grade 4 hosts.

7) I will be gone on Thursday and can be reached in emergency only. If there is an emergency please do not hesitate to contact me.

8) Sara and Amanda will be gone Thursday and Friday to attend the Dyslexia Conference in Portland.

9) Clothing Exchange on the stage November 13-15 (Wed-Fri). Community Time folks take note!

November 4/5: Pastini Fundraiser
November 7: Picture Retakes
November 8: Cafe Amity
November 8: Veteran’s Day lunch–all Vets in the Amity Community (relatives included) are welcome to join for the free lunch.
November 8: Pie delivery
November 11: NO School, Veteran’s Day
November 13-15: Fall Clothing Exchange on the stage
November 14: Family BINGO Night, 5-6:30
November 25-29: Thanksgiving Break–yahoo!

Here’s to a great week ahead!

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