Monday AM Notes (on Tues), January 21

Good Morning All!
I hope you enjoyed the long weekend, it was a welcome little break! We’ve got back to back 4 day weeks, and Camp Amity this Friday!

A big thanks to all of you for how you handled the big news about the remodel and the move to North Star last week, I greatly appreciate your understanding and support. Luckily we have lots of time to wrap our heads around the move and to start thinking about our future–wouldn’t want to do it with any other group of people!

A few notes to get you going:
1) Earthquake/Fire Drill on Wednesday at 9:20am. We’ll do Earthquake first and then evacuate for Fire.

2) When you leave your classroom for Choice or Invitations please be sure to lock your door.

3) NO STAFF meeting today (Tuesday). We’ll make time to chat about kiddos at SIW.

4) SIW this week–we’ll continue our discussion/planning for end of year Celebrations and see if we can agree on some key items. Also, I’d like to explore the idea of a Math Family Night. Frans had a mini Math Night back in December and the parents who attended really got a lot out of it.

SIW next week–Amanda will guide us as dive into some of Ross Greene’s work.

5) Field Trips this week
Thursday: Grade 5 to Bend Rock Gym
Friday: Everyone to Camp Amity!

6) Thursday at 5pm I’ll be hosting an open forum for parents with questions about the remodel/move to North Star. I had 3 parents show up for the afternoon session last Friday. No need for any of you to attend, just wanted to let you know. I’ve been able to answer many of the questions people have on the go via hallway chats, but there haven’t been a lot of questions yet. Overall the news was received with a lot of positive support!

January 24
: Camp Amity!
January 31: NO SCHOOL, teacher work day
February 29: Annual Auction

Here’s to a great week ahead!

8 thoughts on “Monday AM Notes (on Tues), January 21”

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