Monday AM Notes, May 3

Greetings All,
I hope the weekend was great! It’s Teacher Appreciation Week and I’m hoping you have a week full of all the love that is out there for all of you! Two things to get on your calendar right away: On Wednesday FOA is providing an appreciation lunch (see email from Patti to order), and on Friday morning there will be bagels and treats in the staff room. As for the rest of the week, we’ll see what comes your way…

A few notes for this week:
1) Safety and Security. As we head into the last part of this insane year I know we are all feeling the exhaustion of the many challenges we have faced and continue to face. It’s natural that our vigilance is waning a bit; however, we must continue to make sure we are keeping children safe. Please read the following carefully:
~When on playground duty please always have your keys and your phone. In the case of an emergency you may need one or both of these!
~Playground supervision is more than just being available if and when there are problems on the playground. Almost more importantly it is about being aware of unsafe situations that are happening or about to happen–and prevention can save everyone a lot of pain and anguish. Prevention can be the difference between a close call and a serious injury. Please be vigilant.
~After school is especially of concern. We need to be sure we know who each child is leaving with each day, and we need to be sure students are not running out to meet their parents/guardians on the street. I have watched helplessly as two different kiddos ran across Georgia and Broadway without looking! This feels like an accident waiting to happen. I am positioning myself at the “exit” gate on the Broadway side of the playground to watch who each child is leaving with and to be sure kids are crossing the street safely. And, I need your help in keeping your students in a particular area and being aware of who they are leaving with. I appreciate your help!

2) SIW on Wednesday at 2pm. We’ll have time to discuss end of year plans including Memory Books (to be or not to be), Narratives, end of year events/activities, and Grade 5 celebrations. I’m going to hold off on discussing plans for next year for a few weeks.

3) Just a reminder that we’ll continue with current buddy pairings for the time being.

4) Bike and Walk to School Day is on Wednesday. See previous posts for the details.

5) Reminder: Korey will be out of town for the next two weeks. This means no art this week and next. A great time to do some of your own art projects or other things you’ve been wanting to do!

6) This Wednesday is Cinco de Mayo. Here is a link to the site and an excerpt from the site-many think this is Mexican Independence Day, but it is not: Cinco de Mayo, or the fifth of May, is a holiday that celebrates the date of the Mexican army’s May 5, 1862 victory over France at the Battle of Puebla during the Franco-Mexican War. The day, which falls on Wednesday, May 5 in 2021, is also known as Battle of Puebla Day. While it is a relatively minor holiday in Mexico, in the United States, Cinco de Mayo has evolved into a commemoration of Mexican culture and heritage, particularly in areas with large Mexican-American populations.

7) Speaking of Wednesday, we have a social get together at Crux after our meeting on Wednesday. Please join if you can.

May 5: Bike/Walk to School
May 5: Staff Meeting, 2pm
May 5: Staff get together at Crux, after staff meeting
May 12: Interview Prep, 1:30-3pm
June 2: EBISS–more details later

Here’s to a great week ahead!

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