Good Morning Team,
I hope you enjoyed the wonderfully warm weekend! I got out on my bike on Saturday, and on Sunday Michelle and I got in a great hike on the Six Lakes Trail (across from Elk Lake). We got to 3 of the 6 lakes–Blow, Doris, and Sanuj (in order below).

That short week sure felt long last week! But, the good news is we are in that special time of year–we have 5 more days and then a nice long week off, 3 weeks and then Winter Break! Hard to believe we are already at this point of the year!
A few notes to get you going:
1) Community Time on Monday at 2:15pm outside, weather permitting
2) Lockdown drill on Tuesday at 9:15am. We’ll follow it with the monthly Fire Drill and be done in time for recess. Please take a few minutes to talk with your class about the drill and be sure they know what to do. Here’s the info I shared with you last week: Talking with Children About Lockdowns
3) Camp Amity is postponed until Wednesday, December 8 (assuming the weather cooperates). We’ll revisit this after the break. I’ll share this info with parents in a note first thing this week.
4) Just a reminder that we are back to zones at recess. When you are on duty please take a moment to check the zone chart posted on the “Love” wall and be sure kiddos are in their zones. Thanks for your support with this!
5) SIW this week: They’ve scheduled an admin meeting for Wednesday at 1:30 so I will not be available for SIW. Please use the time as you wish.
6) One last note–please be sure to leave the hallways free of obstacles so we can exit the building quickly in case of an emergency. It fits in nicely with taking care of each other and this place! Thanks.

*November 16: Lockdown and Fire Drill, 9:15am
*November 22-26: Thanksgiving Break!
*December 8: Camp Amity–new date
*December 20-31: Winter Break
*January 13: EBISS
Here’s to a great week ahead with a vacation on the horizon,
المنزل النظيف هو منزل سعيد ، أليس كذلك؟ من التنظيف العميق للمطبخ إلى غسل الملابس يدويًا إلى العثور على أفضل مكنسة روبوتية
التنظيف باستخدام المنظفات التي تحتوي على صابون أو منظف يقلل من عدد الجراثيم على الأسطح ويقلل من خطر العدوى من الأسطح في منزلك. يزيل التنظيف وحده معظم أنواع الجراثيم الضارة (مثل الفيروسات أو البكتيريا أو الطفيليات أو الفطريات) من الأسطح.
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