Monday AM Notes, November 29 2020

Greetings Team,
I hope you had an AMAZING break and that you had good time with family and friends. I had a super low key break here in town and got lots of house projects done. At the end of the week my daughter, son-in-law, and grand daughter (Aurelia) came from Corvallis to celebrate the holiday with us. It was the first time my little family has all been under the same roof in almost 2 years–it was so much fun!

Here is one of the projects I got done over the break-removing my old, defunct hot tub. What a messy project! Just waiting for the new tub to arrive…

We’ve got 3 weeks between now and winter break and I always love this time of year. Have some fun and enjoy these 3 weeks!

A few notes to get you going…
1) Happy Hanukkah! Hanukkah officially began last night and ends the evening of December 6. We have several families who celebrate the holiday and if you’re interested in finding out more about the history and traditions of Hanukkah you can start here with these links (there are an endless number of links with out there if you’re interested): Hanukkah link 1, Hannukkah link 2.

2) Camp Amity is a go for Wednesday, December 8. We’ll have time to chat about this later this week at our SIW. In the meantime, please be sure you are signed up to lead an activity: Camp Amity Sign Ups

3) SIW this week starts at 1:30pm in Brian’s room. We’ll cover a few items:
*Overview of our focus of the year (School Design, etc)
*Check in on how you’d like to spend some of our meeting times
*Future direction of Wednesday Team meetings
*Camp Amity planning

4) Weather permitting, we’re still doing outdoor Community Time on Fridays at 1:30. Here’s what I have in my notes, please correct me if I am wrong:
*December 3: Grade 4
*December 10: Kinder
*December 17: Grade 2

5) SLGGs (Student Learning and Growth Goals) are back once again and need to be filled out by January 1. I’d like to meet with each of you for 15 minutes next week to get this done-please sign up for a time: SLGG Meeting

6) Please keep sharing photos with parents in your weekly notes–keeping them connected continues to be so important, and they love the pics!

7) Grade 5 students will be organizing a food drive that will take place between now and the winter break. Please do all you can to support their efforts. More info coming soon.

8) We’re still in zones at recess at least until after the winter break. This will be a little tougher now that the natural play area is completed, but I appreciate your help in keeping kiddos in their proper zones for now.

9) On December 14 my two bosses (Skip and Tammy) will be here doing some observations to get a better picture of what’s going on in the schools. As we get closer to the date I’ll be checking in with you to see who’s up for a classroom visit. Just putting it on the radar…

10) I’ll be away from school on Friday this week. I’ll send a reminder on Thursday.

Lastly, how about a delicious Holiday Potluck on the 17th before we head off for the holidays? I’ll post a sign up sheet if desired…

*December 6-10: SLGG Meetings
*December 8: Camp Amity–new date
*December 20-31: Winter Break
*January 13: EBISS

Here’s to a great week ahead!

30 thoughts on “Monday AM Notes, November 29 2020”

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