Greetings All,
Believe it or not it’s already October! I hope you had a fantastic weekend and that you’re ready for another fun-filled week.
I want to start this week’s note with a HUGE thank you to all of you for stepping up in my (and Patti’s) absence last week. I cannot tell you how much I appreciate the way in which you all did what had to be done! Both Skip and Tammy told me independently that when they die they hope they get reincarnated as a teacher at Amity–a tribute to all of you and the amazing people you are and the extraordinary program we run! Cheers to that!
A big thanks to all of you who offered ideas for October’s theme. After some significant thought I have decided that I’d like to double back on our efforts with Taking Care of Yourself, Taking Care of Each other, and Taking Care of this Place. I’ll talk a little more about this at our SIW this week.
A few notes to get you going:
1) Pancake Breakfast this Friday starting at 7am–this is always a fun way to start the day! All you have to do is show up and flip the flapjacks! (Since we’re doing pancakes fro breakfast there will be no Bread and Jam on Friday).
2) SIW this week: We’ll take time to discuss kiddos in need of extra TLC and support for the first part of the meeting (finally!), and then we’ll break up into two work groups to continue conversations about reporting at Conversations and working towards common language/approach to problem solving with students. I feel strongly that both of these endeavors are well worth our time and I look forward to making progress on both. I’d still like to meet with a small group on Thursday after school to help fine tune the work of the problem solving group so we can make even further progress.
3) I know it was a crazy week last week, but just circling back to see if you were able to fit in the Bias Incident lesson and how it went. If time eluded you last week please be sure to get the lesson done early this week. I’ll be checking in with each of you to see how it went.
4) I am working with two parents to re-launch Harvest Festival. With me being out last week it definitely put a crimp in the plan but I am committed to doing all I can to pull it off with the help of these and many other parents. They’ll be a big push starting this week to get volunteers on board (many have already signed up) and I’ll reach out to your new class leads (names coming to you soon) to help with the effort. The plan is to hold the event on Saturday, October 15 from 4-7pm. While you are not required to be there, your presence is warmly welcomed, and volunteering to help is always greatly appreciated.
5) Please note the addition of a Bus Evacuation drill on October 13. This is district mandated. It will take 20-30 minutes.
6) Out first Student Success Meetings will be on Thursday, November 3. Originally this was planned for October 27 but Grade 2 is going to Fall River! This does not mean we cannot be setting up supports for students now (which I know many are already doing with Sara and Brad), it will just be our first formal meeting.
7) Grade 3 is headed to the Metolius this Friday for their first outdoor ed trip of the year!
8) Our October Earthquake/Fire Drill has been moved to October 26 at 10:45am. The Fire Marshal is requiring us to mix up days and times for our drills so they are not always at the same time.
October 3/4: Dental Screenings
October 6: Problem Solving group, 2:45pm
October 7: Pancake Breakfast, 7-8am
October 11: Picture Day
October 12: Vision Screening (Lion’s Club)
October 13: Bus evacuation Drill, 10am–all school
October 15: Harvest Festival, 4-7pm
October 19/20: Conversations, No School
October 26: Earthquake/Fire Drill, 10:45am
November 3: Student Success meetings
November 10: Secure Drill, 9:20am
November 11: Veteran’s Day, No School
November 21-25: Thanksgiving Break, No School
November 29: Fire Drill, 9:20am
November 30: Picture retakes
Here’s to a great week ahead!