Monday AM Notes, October 10 2022

A Hearty Happy Monday To You All!
I hope you had a great weekend and are really enjoying this amazing Fall weather! A huge thanks to all of you for making the Pancake Breakfast such a great success last Friday–we had lots of very happy parents and kiddos! It was a great connecting time for all involved!

A few notes to get you going:
1) Harvest Festival is this Saturday, October 15 from 4-7pm. While you are not required to be there, it’s always awesome to have teachers here. If you want to be here but don’t want to just hang out, there are plenty of volunteer opportunities–click here: Harvest Fest Volunteering. Costumes encouraged!

2) Picture Day is Tuesday! Remind families to get their order forms in.

3) Bus evacuation drill on Thursday at 9:45am. We need to be at the admin building ready to load the busses at 9:45 so please leave plenty early. We will have to move Choice Time to 9:10 to 9:30 in order to accommodate this.

4) DIBELS make up on Monday afternoon between 12:30 and 1:50. This is tentative but likely.

5) Reminder to keep your doors locked even when they are open.

6) Invitations sign up change. Lindsey has agreed to bring her computer to lunch on Mondays and Thursdays to help facilitate a more organized and timely sign up process. Thank you Lindsey!

7) SIW this week is teacher directed. I want to remind you that “teacher directed” can certainly mean prep time, but it can mean many other things as well such as team meetings, meetings to move forward on particular action items, professional development, and more. It is simply a time directed by all of you to work on the things you feel are important. While I fully acknowledge that prep time is at a premium, I just also wanted to remind you that the time can be used for a multitude of endeavors.

8) Conversations next week on Wednesday and Thursday. Be sure to get a sign up form out to parents Monday or Tuesday at the latest-I believe most of you are using Google docs. And please remember to make sure you are offering some evening times for parents who cannot make it until after work. I will be delivering a class set of Conversations Prep note forms to you on Monday so you can begin prepping for next week!

October 11: Picture Day
October 12: Vision Screening (Lion’s Club)
October 13: Bus evacuation Drill, 9:45am–all school at Admin Building (10 minutes)
October 15: Harvest Festival, 4-7pm
October 19/20Conversations, No School
October 26: Earthquake/Fire Drill, 10:45am
November 3: Student Success meetings
November 10: Secure Drill, 9:20am
November 11: Veteran’s Day, No School
November 21-25: Thanksgiving Break, No School
November 29: Fire Drill, 9:20am
November 30: Picture retakes

Here’s to a great week ahead!