Monday AM Notes, November 14 2022

Greetings Team,
I hope the long weekend was spectacular! I actually got out XC skiing twice over the weekend and it was amazing to be out in the woods on skis! We’re 5 days away from a nice week-long break and I’m looking forward to some time off–I am sure you are, too!

A big thanks to everyone for the discussion about mini observations/evaluations at our SIW last week–your input is greatly appreciated! Brian and I are working on incorporating your feedback and we will share the final version with you soon (I will be meeting with a student group this week to get their feedback as well). We will begin in January with the new format. I am excited to have something in place that is more meaningful and that supports our common goals, your professional growth and development, and the student experience.

A few notes to get you going:
1) Patti is out on Monday and Beth Thomas will be here to cover her duties. She will arrive around 8:45am.

2) Looks like we will all be together at Pine Ridge on Wednesday (you will each be with other teachers who teach the same grade) for the Educator Network from 2-3:15pm. We discussed the possibility of Happy Hour afterwards, and since we are going to be in the same place it makes it easier. For anyone who can make it, plan to meet for a drink immediately after the meeting. Location TBD.

3) We don’t formally have a staff meeting this week, but I’d love to meet on Tuesday with those of you interested in talking about School Themes. Specifically I’d like to take about how we can create a solid support system for rolling out the theme each month and the kinds of things we can do school wide, with buddies, with families, and individually. Just looking to take the next step forward! I know you are all super busy, but it seems like a good time to talk more deeply about this. 2:45pm in the Staff Room on Tuesday.

4) I have an admin meeting on Monday and will be leaving shortly before 3pm

5) I have the SLGGs ready to sign so put it on your list of things to do and find a time to stop by my office this week.

6) Save the Date: Staff Holiday Party on Saturday, December 3 at Ray’s house starting at 4pm. We will do a Pirate Gift exchange so if you want to play bring a gift with a value of no more than $25 ($20-$25 is best). This will be an adult only event and significant others are welcome (if you want to subject them to our brand of humor).

7) The canned food drive in support of the Giving Plate and Bend Food Project (who provide support for food insecure folks in our community) ends this Thursday. Please push this out to families in your class. Thanks!

8) I’ve tentatively set January 18 as our Family BINGO Night, and hoping it is a good night for all of you to be there. Please get this on your calendar.

November 15: Optional School Themes meeting, 2:45 in the Staff Room
November 21-25: Thanksgiving Break, No School
November 29: Fire Drill, 9:20am
November 29: Picture retakes (new date)
December 3: Holiday Party, 4pm-whenever
December 19-January 2: Winter Break
January 18: Winter DIBELS
January 18: Family BINGO Night! Details to follow…

Here’s to a great week ahead!