Monday AM Notes, November 28 2022

Welcome Back Team!
I hope you had a fantastic break and that you feel fueled up for the next 3 weeks–yup, just 3 weeks until Winter Break!

Just an important reminder that our Staff Holiday Party is this Saturday starting at 4pm. There will be a food sign up sheet in the staff room, please take a moment to get yourself signed up to bring something tasty. Also, we’ll be having a Pirate Gift exchange (everyone draws a number, we go in order, things can get “stolen”, etc). If you want to participate, and we’re hoping everyone will, remember that the gift should be in the $20-25 range. Significant others are welcome to join! Ray will send out his address some time this week.

A few notes to get you going:
1) Fire Drill on Tuesday at 9:20am

2) I had asked that you stop by my office to sign your SLGG the week before break. If you haven’t done this yet, please stop by Monday to get it signed. Thanks!

3) Between now and December 15 we are collecting unwrapped gifts for kiddos in foster care. Please encourage your students and their families to join in the giving. We’re doing this through Every Child Central Oregon: Gifts are being collected in the wrapped box in the hallway near the office.

4) New request/requirement for cleaning up after Community Time. I know that it’s hard to remember to return to the gym to clean up on your Community Time days. The difficulty with not remembering is that the stage is often left a mess, and it interferes with others who are trying to use the stage during the day. Starting this week it is now required that you stay with your class in the gym after your CT and clean up. This way you won’t forget, the kids are involved in taking care of our communal space, and it assures the cleaning gets done in a timely manner. Please talk with your classes about this new protocol and explains the reasoning behind it. Your support is greatly appreciated.

5) El Sancho for lunch this Tuesday! This Tuesday is an Amity Creek fundraiser at El Sancho (west side only) where a portion of the profits for the day go to Friends of Amity. We’ll be encouraging families to eat at El Sancho (or get take out) on that day, but as side benefit all of you will get El Sancho for lunch on Tuesday compliments of Friends of Amity. Rob Cammilletti, Chela’s dad, works at El Sancho and is heading up this effort. He’ll be bringing fixings for tacos, along with rice and beans, so y’all can enjoy some good eats on Tuesday. In the meantime, please include info in your weekly note. Yes, we would have liked more time to get the word out, but it all happened kind of quickly. I sent out info on Sunday evening. Rob is hard at work lining up monthly events like this. Thanks for supporting the effort!

6) Picture retakes are this Tuesday. Info has gone home to parents already and I will send a reminder Monday afternoon.

7) SIW this week at 1:30 in Brian’s room. Look for an agenda tomorrow.

8) I have a meeting at the district office on Monday at 8:30am. Call or text if you need anything while I’m gone. I know, not a great time to be gone following a break but I’m just a call or text away!

November 29: Fire Drill, 9:20am
November 29: Picture retakes (new date)
December 3: Holiday Party, 4pm-whenever
December 19-January 2: Winter Break
January 18: Winter DIBELS
January 18: Family BINGO Night! Details to follow…

Here’s to a great week ahead!