I hope you had a great 3 day weekend–seems like the timing was perfect! We’ve got a few busy weeks ahead with the info meetings this week and the Variety Show next week! I know the show prep is taking all the energy you can muster at the moment, and I (on behalf of the kiddos) truly appreciate all you are doing!
A few notes to get you going:
1) Please be sure you have read the email regarding show prep–I sent it on Friday.
2) Lottery Info meetings on Wednesday at 2pm and 5:30pm. Teachers should plan to be at both meetings. If you are not able to be at both meetings please come chat with me.
3) Staff Appreciation Breakfast (hosted by the district) is this Thursday starting at 7:15am. As a small school we are also able to include the kids so I will send out a note to parents letting them know they can join starting at 7:30am.
3) If you haven’t had a chance to take the Oregon Statewide Educator Survey here is a reminder: You all should have received an email from Steve Cook regarding the survey. The district is greatly in need of your feedback as they grapple with lots of very challenging issues in our schools. Also, I know there are a lot of concerns about the state of our schools and this is a really good opportunity to have your input count!
I sent the following link and token in an email on Feb 15:
4) Reminder about baskets for the auction–your class lead should have reached out to the class by now, and it would be great if you share the info in your parent notes for the next few weeks:
For those new to Amity (meaning haven’t been through an auction season yet), each year we assign a theme to each class for the creation of a basket . This doesn’t require much from you other than continuing to promote contributions to the basket by families. Each year this yields really awesome baskets for the auction! I will be asking your Class Lead to support this effort and I will be unveiling the themes to parents early this week. We will provide a collection box for you to keep in your room. Here are the themes for each class:
K: Arts and Crafts
Grade 1: Camping
Grade 2: Pamper yourself
Grade 3: Game night
Grade 4: Keepin’ It Local
Grade 5: Get outside/Sports and games
February 21: Staff Meeting, 2:45pm
February 22: Amity info meetings for lottery, 2:00 and 5:30pm
February 23: Staff Appreciation Breakfast, 7:15am
February 23: FOA Fundraiser at MOD Pizza
March 1: Variety Show! 5:30pm at Bend High
March 18: Auction
Next week is already March…yikes! Here’s to a great week ahead!