Monday AM Notes, May 22 2023

Hello Team!
I hope you had a fantastic weekend! We’re in the home stretch, enjoy every moment of it!

*Theme for this month: Perseverance (something we can all relate to!)
*Next month’s theme: Gratitude
*Have something to add to the Theme doc? School-wide themes

A few notes for the week:
1) Fire drill on Tuesday at 9:20am.

2) SIW this week, and for the rest of the year, is your time!

3) Summit Play on Friday, all classes. 8:45am in the gym.

4) As you begin your Grows and Glows I wanted to re-share some guidelines we created in the past–please be sure to have a quick look through these guidelines before starting your Gs and Gs. Grows and Glows Guidelines

5) Bowling update: We’re not doing a bowling fundraiser this year. We’ll revisit this next year.

6) As I mentioned last week we earned about $2,400 of credit with Scholastic Books. There’a a catalogue on the staff room and here is the link if you want to look for books. Send the titles to me and I’ll get them ordered for you. Scholastic Books

7) Just sharing the notes I took at SIW last week related to School-wide themes–if there’s something I missed let me know:
*Some themes were harder than others
*Let’s engage families
*Visibility helps–in classrooms, hallway, parent communications
*Enjoy when theme is tied into Community Time
*Let’s have as much art connected to themes as possible
*Picture books have been very helpful
*Having time to discuss theme and prep a few weeks before is really helpful
*School wide projects were great (ex: Kindness Quilt)

May 23: Fire Drill, 9:20am
May 24: SIW Teacher directed
May 26: Summit Theater “How I Became A Pirate”, 8:45am-ALL Classes
May 29: No School!
May 30: Grade 1 to Benham Falls
May 31: Cafe Amity, Grade 4 hosts
June 1: SIW Teacher directed
June 5/6: Camp Amity
June 7: SIW Teacher directed
June 8: Memory Book night for Grades 2, 3, and 4
June 13: Family BBQ, 5-7pm. (Kinder Orientation 4:30-5pm)
June 14: Grade 5 Celebration and gifts
June 15: Grade 5 Graduation
June 16: Last Day!

Here’s to a great, and beautiful week ahead!