Monday (Tuesday) AM Notes, May 30 2023

Howdy all!
I hope you had an amazing 3 day weekend! I spent the weekend working around the house, getting some things on my to do list done, and had a great paddle on the river! But best of all, I used the massage gift certificate I got from y’all and it was INCREDIBLE! 1.5 hours of pure bliss! Thank you!

A few notes to get you going:
1) Grade 1 heads to Benham Falls on Tuesday!

2) SIW this week is Teacher directed.

3) Our second and last Cafe Amity of the year is on Wednesday hosted by Grade 4.

4) We have set the date for a Volunteer Appreciation Tea on Friday, June 9 at 8:30am. We’ve sent out a general invite that simply invites anyone who has volunteered this year. We’ll have tea and snacks for the parents, and I’m working on a way to have all of you pop in to say thanks at some point. Likely we’ll have K-2 teachers pop in for 5 minutes while the EAs watch your classes, then we’ll do the same for 3-5. I’ll confirm the plan next week.

5) IMPORTANT NOTE: The doors out to the playground can only be propped open during Choice Time and lunch recess and should be shut at all other times. If you are the last one to come in off the playground please be sure the door is shut. We are only doing this right now because the doors can no longer be unlocked with the allen wrench–the crash bars will be replaced this summer. In the meantime we’ll prop the door open while students are on the playground and we’ll keep it shut at all other times. Thank you for helping with this!

6) Looking ahead to the last week, please be sure you have read the email I sent at the end of last week and let me know if you have any comments, things to add, or concerns. ALSO, three important notes about the last week:
*Only K-2 will have enrichment the last week (I’m guessing you already figured this out but wanted to be sure)
*We’ll have PE Mon-Wed only during the last week
*Wednesday is a FULL DAY, out at 2:30pm

May 30: Grade 1 to Benham Falls
May 31: Cafe Amity, Grade 4 hosts
June 1: SIW Teacher directed
June 5/6: Camp Amity
June 7: SIW Teacher directed
June 8: Memory Book night for Grades 2, 3, and 4
June 9: Volunteer Appreciation Tea, 8:30am
June 13: Family BBQ, 5-7pm. (Kinder Orientation 4:30-5pm)
June 14: Grade 5 Celebration and gifts
June 15: Grade 5 Graduation, 5pm
June 16: Last Day!

Here’s to a great week ahead!