Monday AM Notes, January 22 2024

School-wide Theme: Integrity and Responsibility

Happy Monday Team,
Well, that was a crazy week last week! I’m hoping we can get back into our routines this week!

A few notes to get you going :
1) If you haven’t taken the Youth Truth survey yet please do so this week. The survey is open until January 26-this Friday! I would really love to have 100% staff participation! Right now it’s less than 50%. Staff link: Thanks!

2) Team Collaboration Time on Tuesday starting at 2:45pm. A good opportunity to jump start things you have been working on together or planning to work on together. 2:45pm

3) SIW this week will be a make-up from our missed Educator Network Days the last 2 weeks. Brian and Sara will lead this activity. Brian’s room at 1:30pm.

4) I’ll be doing some mini-observations (most for you) as well as some formal observations (just Haley and Lauren) in the coming weeks. I’d love to get some times from each of you of when you’d like me to come in for the observation–times you are doing an activity/lesson that you’d like me to see and/or get some feedback about. Please email me in the next few days. I’d like to make these observations meaningful for you! Thanks

5) Something to add to our tightening up exercise–please be sure that the stage is getting cleaned after your Community Time (and practices). Thanks!

6) I have an admin meeting on Tuesday so I’ll be leaving campus as soon as kiddos are gone.

January 23: Team Collaboration Time, 2:45pm
January 24: School based SIW–Ed Network
January 26: Bread and Jam
January 31: Cafe Amity hosted by Grade 5
February 2: No School, Teacher Work Day
February 7: New DIBELS date
February 8: Camp Amity!
February 15: NEW Student Success Meetings
February 28: Variety Show

Here’s to a great, and full week ahead!