Greetings Team!
I hope you had a fantastic weekend. We have another 4 day week ahead…
A few notes to get you going:
1) Happy Bday to Lindsey this Thursday! Drinks after school, please join if you can.
2) My last plea…the Youth Truth survey has been extended until the end of this week. If you haven’t done the survey (that’s half of you!) please take a few minutes to do it this week.
3) SIW this week is a Teacher Work Day
4) NO School this Friday- Teacher work day for you! I am hoping we can meet at 11am for about 10-15 minutes to finalize our plan for the Variety Show launch and rehearsals.
5) DIBELS next next Wednesday, Feb 7
6) Camp Amity next Thursday, Feb 8!
7) The district is hosting a Black History Month celebration this Wednesday at Pacific Crest Middle School. I know a few of us are already planning to go, would be great if others wanted to join. Here’s the flyer:

8) Just an FYI we will run the lottery for Grades 1-5 on Tuesday. This doesn’t impact classes for next year, we will just have new waitlists for these grades if needed. New this year is that there is no longer a specific waitlist order–this may upset some families that are currently on a waitlist, but it’s the district’s new policy. Kinder lottery will be run in March, shortly after we have our Info Night (March 7 from 5-6pm).
January 31: Cafe Amity hosted by Grade 5
January 31: SIW-Teacher work day
February 2: No School, Teacher Work Day
February 7: New DIBELS date
February 8: Camp Amity!
February 15: NEW Student Success Meetings
February 28: Variety Show
March 7: Lottery Info Night for incoming Kindergarten families, 5-6pm
Here’s to a great week ahead!