Monday AM Notes, February 26, 2024

Greetings All!
I hope you had a great weekend and were able to enjoy the beautiful weather! It’s another fun-filled week ahead with the Variety Show on Wednesday! Thanks again for all the incredibly hard work you put in to supporting the kiddos so that they can really shine Wednesday night!

A few notes to get you off to a great start:
1) Dress rehearsal at 8:30am on Monday! For teachers of the Youngers let’s stay nimble and flexible in terms of when it will be time for your kiddos to leave rehearsals. There are always a few that want to stay for the whole rehearsal and they are welcome to stay! Also, let’s have a short meeting after school on Monday to sort out responsibilities at the show, just to be sure we’re all on the same page. 2:45 in Brian’s room.

2) On Wednesday, while you are at Ed Network, I will move all the props with the help of a few parents. Right after school on Wednesday it would be really helpful if we could get all the props out into the hallway near the playground door so everything is ready to load into volunteers cars.

Also, we’ll meet at Caldera at 5pm (15th Street entrance), and doors open at 5:30pm. We’ll start the show promptly at 6pm!

3) Wheel of Talent on Thursday morning. Grade 3 will incorporate this into their Community Time and then we’ll spend the first part of the morning enjoying abbreviated versions of the Variety show acts. There’s nothing you need to do to prepare for this, just leave Thursday AM a little open. It’s a great way to slow roll the day after the show!

February 26: Quick meeting to sort out Variety Show details, 2:45pm
February 28: Educator Network, be sure to sign up!
February 28: Variety Show, doors open at 5:30 with the show starting at 6pm sharp!
March 7: Lottery Info Night for incoming Kindergarten families, 5-6pm
May 4: Auction! May the 4th be with you…some type of space related theme
May 31: Summit High production of The Real Story of the 3 Pigs. 8:30am

Here’s to a great week ahead!