Monday Notes, November 30 2020

Welcome Back,
I hope the week off was a good one and that you’re feeling rested and healthy! We’ve got a 3 week stretch ahead of us between now and Winter Break, hoping it goes very smoothly!

I did not get to be with my daughter Arielle and her new baby over the holiday, but they are great about sending daily photos and videos. Here’s one of my absolute favorites from over the break–it has kept me going!

A few notes to get you back in action:
1) For now we will not have a Staff Meeting on Wednesday. Keep the meeting the meeting for next week on your calendar, we will definitely be meeting.

2) Silly Video clips needed! As we discussed at our last staff meeting we will be putting together a fun video to share with the community–you can show a special talent, tell a joke, or just do something absurd or silly. Please get me your video clip (via text, email, or google link) by the end of the week. I’ll assemble the video and get it out to the community first thing next week.

3) Inspired by an article they read in Scholastic News titled “A Color for Everyone” ( Grade 5 has been involved in a special project about inclusivity. Their involvement earned them an invitation to participate in a very special ceremony hosted by the Anti-Defamation League this coming Sunday. Several videos created by Grade 5 students will be shown during the ceremony! If you are interested in watching you need to register ahead of time: Find the “Reserve a Ticket” button on the top right of the screen (it’s free, but you have to register). Here’s a little bio about Belen, the student who is being honored: Bellen Woodard is a nine year old from Virginia who wondered why the “skin colored” crayon had to mean “peach” and disinclude so many like her. Her More Than Peach Project shares specially-packed arrays of skin-toned crayons—and perception-changing conversations—with schools all across the world.

4) Just a reminder that at our last staff meeting y’all spoke of wanting to try and connect your classes through shared activities–guest readers, writing small books for youngers, common art projects, etc. If there is anything I can do to help, please let me know!

5) Another Invitations? Yes! I’m tentatively scheduling the next Invitation for Thursday, December 17–right before break. Unless I hear any objections I’ll confirm this with parents next week and I’ll send out another google doc to capture your offerings. I’ll include the Invitation you offered this last time in case you want to do the same one.

6) Packet Pick-up before Winter Break? If you think you will need a pick-up before the break I am tentatively setting Thursday, December 10 as our day. We’ll do the usual 1-3pm. Let me know if you want to participate.

7) Another retirement–two in one year! Jim, our beloved custodian, recently informed me and Patti that he will be retiring effective December 8, with one last day in late December. Patti and I will work on some type of good bye celebration and we are open to any and all ideas. This may be another one we have to delay, but we can at least do a little something now. When we return to Amity in January, we’ll have a new lead custodian.

8) Speaking of returning to Amity in January, I will be setting up a visit of Amity on Wednesday, December 16 to see the progress. I’m booking the visit for 2pm and I hope you can make it!

December 9: Staff Meeting, 2pm
December 16: Visit to Amity, 2pm
December 17: Invitations! 11-11:30am
December 21-January 1: Winter Break, NO SCHOOL!

Here’s to a great week ahead!

36 thoughts on “Monday Notes, November 30 2020”

  1. Looking forward to reading more. great article. Really looking forward to reading more books. cool. I really enjoy reading a thought provoking article. Also, thanks for allowing me to comment!

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  4. I was sad to hear about Jim’s retirement, but excited to see the fnf progress at Amity during the visit on December 16.

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