Monday, March 8 2021

Happy Last Monday at North Star!
Believe it or not, we are moving back to at the end of the week, almost exactly 1 year after we had to move to CDL. It’s almost unfathomable! You have been rock stars in dealing with all the challenges and change, and our sweet reward is awaiting us!

I had a little get away with my wife this weekend to a yurt on the back side of Suttle Lake (yes, there are 3 yurts there!). We had a cozy stay, and had a super fun experience skiing up to Camp Tamarack! Here are a few pics…

The lake at Camp Tamarack

A few notes to get you going:
1) NO staff meeting this week–please use Wednesday afternoon to pack!

2) Patti reached out to K-3 teachers offering the services of Beth to help you pack for a few hours this week–I hope you are taking us up on the offer. Remember, all packing needs to be done before you leave on Friday. Also, we will be taking the iPad stands with us!

3) EBISS Meetings (30mins) this week on Tuesday. Brad will cover Kinder, Grade 2, and Grade 3. Grade 1 classes will be at music.
*Kinder: 10:00am
*Grade 1: 12 (Amanda), 12:30 (Sara) 
*Grade 2: 10:30am
*Grade 3: 1pm

4) We have lots of book buying money available–$1600 in library funds, and another $1800 in Scholastic money. Please think about books you have wanted to order, or take some time to look for some new books. We want you to spend this money!

5) Sunday will be our big move-in day! Volunteers will be arriving starting at 8am. FOA will be providing pizza and salads from Pizza Mondo for lunch.

6) Specially invited Grade 4 and 5 students will be attending school on Wednesdays beginning March 17. I’ve worked with Matt and Ray to identify which students (up to 10) will most benefit from this support and we have invited these students to join. A great opportunity to support some of our kiddos!

7) I’ll be sharing the following graphic with parents this week explaining our drop off and pick up procedures–just thought you’d like to see it. HUGE thanks to Casey Davis, Taran’s mom, for helping me with this!

8) I’ll be on and off campus a lot this week so I can be back and forth to Amity. There’s a lot to attend to there before the move-in! Don’t hesitate to call or text if you need me and I’m not in the building.

March 10: Packing time in afternoon
March 17: Team meetings during SIW, 2pm
March 12: Last Day at North Star!
March 14: Amity move-in day
March 15: First day at Amity!
March 22-26: Spring Break, No School
April 14-16: Conversations

Here’s to a great week ahead!

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