Greetings all!
I hope the weekend was good to you and you’re looking forward to Conversations this week! (Please remember to reach out to families who have yet to sign up.)
A big thanks to those of you who made it to Harvest Festival. The evening was a big success on all levels!
Just a few notes for this short week:
1) First, a big safety concern. It is imperative that the door leading out to the playground be shut and locked (locks automatically if shut) at all times other than Choice Time, lunch recess, or Invitations–essentially any time we have large groups of children on the playground. If you are the last adult coming off the playground you MUST be sure that you are shutting the door. This has to be a priority for all of us at all times.
2) A big thanks to all of you for the Student Success Meetings last week. I’ll be sending some follow up emails this week.
3) Mask making is moving along really well and the kids have made some amazing masks! A reminder that we will Trick or Trick with masks on at the Ed Center on Halloween. We’ll plan to arrive at 1pm, with one class leaving every few minutes to spread us out a little.
4) A quick reminder that we are hosting the Jammie Jam the day after Halloween. Pledge sheets were sent home last week and it would be great if you could mention something in your weekly note this week–all encouragement is appreciated! Thanks for supporting the effort, last year we raised some needed funds! Pledge sheets are due by October 30th.
5) Like last year, I want to meet with each of you to do some individual goal setting. I’d like to do this the week of October 30-November 3. I’ll send out a sign up link soon.
Upcoming meetings:
*October 31-Team Collaboration Time
*November 1-School based SIW
October 24: NO Staff meeting
October 25-26: Conversations (no work on 27th)
October 31: Trick or Treat at the Education Center, 1pm
October 31: Team Collaboration Time, 2:45pm
November 1: Jammie Jam! K-2: 10-10:30am, 3-5: 10:30-11am
November 1: School based SIW–lots of good stuff to talk about!
November 7: Staff Meeting (Andy’s last day for a while…)
Here’s to a great 4 day week ahead!