Monday AM Notes, November 6 2023

School-wide theme: Belonging!

Hello Team!
We survived the Halloween and Jammie Jam craziness and I hope you caught up on rest and fun over the wet, Fall weekend.

As you know this will be my last few days until January 2. If there is ANYTHING you need to connect with me about before I leave please don’t hesitate to reach out!

Last week I asked the question about how we will know if your students are being positively impacted by our focus on school wide themes. Things like the photo below, written on the quote of the day board by Lexi (5th grade) last week, are the kind of evidence that let us know!

A few notes to get you going:
1) Staff Meeting on Tuesday at 2:45. Ray’s room. Please add items to the Agenda.

2) Cafe Amity on Wednesday hosted by Grade 3

3) SIW on Wednesday can be used to work on activities and plans for our new theme of belonging, and to get caught up on things.

4) Secure Drill on Thursday. Secure Drills are to practice to lock all external doors and elevate our “situational awareness”–essentially becoming acutely aware of what may be going on around our school. This could be related to a police stop in the neighborhood or some unusual activity around the school. An announcement will be made that we are in a Secure Drill and then 5 minutes later another announcement will be made to end the drill. It’s business as usual in the classroom.

5) No School on Friday–Veteran’s day!

6) Brad will be here starting Wednesday. At our Staff Meeting on Tuesday I’ll share more information.

7) I’ll continue to send weekly AM Notes on Sundays while I am away. (The first one will be fairly generic as I will probably write it before I have surgery and schedule it to be sent next Sunday.)

8) I’ll be sharing this at the Staff Meeting on Tuesday but I’m putting it here for reference:

Inside Choice Time and Lunch Recess Plan
When it’s raining or below 20 degrees outside, we have to shift to inside recess.  

For AM recess:
*Students can be in a classroom, in the hallway, or in the gym 
*One EA will offer an activity in the gym (Everyone is it tag, 4 Corners, other tag games)
*2 EAs are checking in with teachers to see if they need a break.

Lunch recess:
*Lunch tables will be set up for quick cleaning (or not set up at all—“Picnic style”) so we can use the gym soon after lunch is over.
*Once lunch is over (11:20) student return to classrooms while gym is cleaned up
*Once excused, students must be in their classroom (or in the gym once it’s ready) 
*Activity will be offered in the gym by Brad or EA (when Robi is here) after the gym is cleaned
*EAs (or Robi) will each be responsible for 2 classrooms: K/5, 1/2, 3/4
*Teachers should be clear about what can/cannot happen in the classroom during these times

For afternoon recess:
*Students can be in their classroom, another classroom, or in the hall (no physical games)
*Brad or Robi will walk around and see if teachers need a break
*Brad or Robi can offer an activity in the gym

Upcoming this week
November 7: Staff Meeting (Add to the Agenda). Andy’s last day for a while…
November 8: School based SIW-work on activities for Belonging, get caught up
November 10: No School, Veteran’s Day

Upcoming through Winter Break
November 14: Team Collaboration Time, 2:45-3:30pm
November 15: Teacher work day SIW
November 16: Amity Eats, MOD Pizza (by Market of Choice)
November 20-24: No School, Thanksgiving Break
November 28: Staff Meeting (add to the agenda when I share it later)
November 29: School based SIW
December 6: Teacher work day SIW
December 12: Team Collaboration Time
December 13: Teacher work day SIW
December 18-January 1: No School, Winter Break!

*Cafe Amity dates: November 8 (Grade 3 hosts), November 29 (Grade 2 hosts), December 13 (Grade 1 hosts)
*Bread and Jam dates: November 3, November 17, December 8

Here’s to a great week and 4 day week ahead!