Monday AM Notes, November 27 2023

Hello Everyone!
I hope you had a fantastic break and that you’re refreshed and ready for the next 3 weeks! As for me, I am healing up slowly and steadily…

A few notes for this week:
1) Brad is here all this week and next week Robi will take over.

2) Staff meeting on Tuesday at 2:45, please meet in Brian’s room. Here’s the link to the staff meeting doc. Please add any agenda items you feel need to be discussed, and please take it upon yourselves to move the meeting along. If you gather and find that there is nothing on the agenda then check in with each other and make it short meeting. Thanks!

3) Cafe Amity on Wednesday hosted by Grade 2.

4) Picture retakes on Tuesday–Patti will coordinate

5) SIW this week is time for you to dive into Foundational Skills and planning

6) Grade 4 to Bend Science Station on Friday

7) Running club on Friday

Upcoming through Winter Break
November 28: Staff Meeting
November 29: School based SIW–Foundational Skills
December 6: Teacher work day SIW
December 12: Team Collaboration Time
December 13: Teacher work day SIW
December 18-January 1: No School, Winter Break!

*Cafe Amity dates: November 29 (Grade 2 hosts), December 13 (Grade 1 hosts)
*Bread and Jam dates: December 8

Hoping to stop by this week for a visit. Have a great week!