Monday Notes, October 5 2020

Good Morning All!
First, a big thanks to Frans for hosting Happy Hour and showing us around his place on Friday! I hope we can continue to gather regularly and enjoy each other’s company.

A few notes to get you rolling:
1) Most of you have been hearing about Limited In Person Instruction (LIPI) starting in the district and I want to share some information. As of last week we are allowed to bring students into school during the school week, on a limited basis, to provide support that we cannot provide on-line. If you have a student or students who you feel would benefit from some in-person support (reading, math, writing) please let me know so that we can discuss a plan. The plan could include a daily amount of time, a few times per week, or even once per week. The support needed would not necessarily have to be provided by you (could be an EA, me)–we would need to sort that out once we decide what is needed.

2) I hope you have been able to complete beginning of year assessments in reading and math by now. If there are students that you are concerned about, let’s discuss how we can work together to provide needed support. We do not know when we will return to in-person instruction so it’s important that we don’t wait if there is a student who needs extra support.

3) We are being encouraged to use Lexia and Dreambox as an additional way to monitor progress of our students while we are in a distance learning mode. I am hopeful that you are either using these programs or are planning to launch them soon. Please also share if you are finding useful elements of the programs that would be beneficial to others.

3) Update on whiteboards-we hope to have them in our hands by the middle of the month.

4) From the district: Each fall, SELCO awards grants of up to $1,000 to K-12 educators at accredited schools throughout Oregon. If you have a creative classroom idea we can help with, we’d love to hear it. To accommodate educator’s needs, this year’s application period is now open and runs through October 31. Visit to learn more.

5) Conferences: They are on the schedule for late October and the district is considering what to do–stay tuned for more information.

6) Have you had a chance to ready the Ready, Set, Learn document, the most recent document produced by the district and shared with families? If not, please take a few minutes to have a look:

7) And, the latest OHA document about returning to school:

8) New Webex features: If you haven’t heard, some new WebEx features were recently released. The biggest feature was the addition of breakout rooms – this is turning out to be a great option to engage students in small group discussions–probably best for older.  This link is super useful if you are interested.  Additionally, John Craft could provide some training if you are interested. Let me know.

9) As far as I can tell it doesn’t look like we met the metrics again this last week (waiting for the official word, but what I have seen puts us over the mark). If I’m correct, the earliest return (assuming we keep numbers of new cases down) is the week of November 2.

Lastly, I think we should continue to plan for fun activities for the year, such as dress up days. Here’s a tentative schedule:

It should include Backwards Day, but so far every day feels like backwards day!

Here’s to a great week ahead!

21 thoughts on “Monday Notes, October 5 2020”

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  2. يمكن أن يساعد الخل في تنظيف بقع الحبر على جميع أنواع الأرائك بفضل محتواه من حمض الأسيتيك ، والذي يمكن أن يتكسر ويزيل البقع ، ناهيك عن أنه منظف آمن للأيدي ولا يضر بالبيئة ، ولكن إليك كيفية استخدامه. مباشرة بعد سقوط بقعة الحبر على الأريكة ، امسحها بقطعة قماش نظيفة أو منشفة ورقية ، واضغط لتجنب الاحتكاك. يوليو. هذا يضمن أنه لا ينتشر أكثر على القماش. اضغط على البقعة وامسحها من الخارج إلى الداخل ، بحيث يتم امتصاص أكبر قدر ممكن من الحبر. إذا لزم الأمر ، استبدل قطعة القماش أو المنشفة الورقية المستخدمة لمسح الحبر. اخلطي 1 ملعقة كبيرة من الخل الأبيض و 1 ملعقة كبيرة من محلول غسيل الأطباق السائل و 2 ملعقة كبيرة من الماء البارد في وعاء. اغمس قطعة قماش ناعمة في المحلول وافركها برفق حتى لا تنتشر البقعة على قطعة القماش. اترك المحلول على القماش لمدة 30 دقيقة. امسح البقعة كل خمس دقائق لمدة 30 دقيقة باستخدام قطعة قماش مبللة بمحلول الخل. امسح الأريكة بقطعة قماش مبللة بالماء البارد حتى تختفي البقعة تدريجيا. استخدم منشفة جافة لتجفيف البقعة وامتصاص الماء.
    يعتبر الحليب من أكثر الطرق فعالية لتنظيف بقع الحبر على الأرائك ، حيث يساعد على تكسير جزيئات الحبر ، كما يساعد نشا الذرة على الامتصاص ، ولكن إليك كيفية استخدامه. اخلطي كمية كبيرة من نشا الذرة مع الحليب السائل حتى تتكون عجينة سميكة. انشر المعجون على بقعة الحبر واتركه يجف تماما. نظف المعجون بإسفنجة رطبة أو قطعة قماش مبللة. امسح المعجون بقطعة قماش مبللة بالماء.

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  4. I really appreciate how you keep us all in the loop with important dates and reminders, like the upcoming parent-teacher conferences and the picture retake day. It’s easy to get overwhelmed with everything going on, so having these gentle reminders is super helpful.

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