Monday AM Notes, November 5

Good Morning Fine People,
Hoping your weekend was wonderful and fun-filled!  We’ve got this week and next week (only a 4 day week!), and then  a much anticipated and well deserved Thanksgiving Break!  Lots of great stuff going on between now and then.

I was inspired by Grade 1’s joke telling last week so I’ll start with two jokes.  In the spirit of our math journey the first one is a math joke:  Did you hear about the mathematician who is afraid of negative numbers?  He’ll stop at nothing to avoid them.

Joke 2: Did you hear about the new restaurant in town called Karma?  There’s no menu, you get what you deserve.

A few notes to get you going:
1) We have officially launched a coin drive to support our Sparrow Alexander.  There is a large glass bottle in the hallway near the office.  Please encourage your students and families to participate.

2) Dale is out this week, Deb Mata is here in his place.  Deb has done a wonderful job covering for Dale in the past so things should be smooth.

3) Please remember that we are shifting supervision duty at Choice Time to the afternoons.  In case you forgot your day:
Mon: Amanda
Tues: Frans
Wed: Heidi
Thurs: Wendy
Fri: Matt

4) Grade 4 is off to the High Desert Museum on Tuesday

5) Grade 1 is hosting Cafe Amity.

6) I will be gone all day on Wednesday.  NO SIW this week, please use the time as you need.

7) Veteran’s Day lunch on Friday.  All vets and current servicemen and women are invited to join us for lunch for free.

8) Picture Retakes this Friday–8:30am for staff, 9:00am for students

9) Looking ahead to next week, Family Night Bingo is next Wednesday, November 14 from 5-7pm.

10) I have an admin meeting today and will be leaving campus around 3pm.

Coming soon:
*November 12: Veteran’s Day, NO SCHOOL
*November 14: Family Night Bingo, 5-7pm
*November 14-16: Clothing Exchange on the stage.  No use of the stage for these 3 days.
*November 15: Holiday Meal, families invited to join (see newsletter for more info)
*November 16: College Day, come in your favorite colors

Here’s to a great week ahead!

Monday AM Notes, October 29

I hope that Conversations were great (as usual!) and that the extra day off this weekend helped keep you happy!  It was so great to see so many of you and to be together at the celebration for Colby yesterday.  I know Lindsey really appreciated our presence and support.

A few notes to get us going:
1) Earthquake drill tomorrow (Tues) at 1:15.  The basics: duck under table, cover head and back of neck, and hold.  See below for more in depth information (from your red/green notebooks that you carry with you when we evacuate the building).

2) Trick or Treating on Wednesday starting at 12:30.  As always let’s have staggered departure times starting with the Olders who are likely to be ready a lot sooner than the Youngers.  We’ll send a group every few minutes.  Be sure to have masks and bags ready!

3) EBISS on Wednesday!
9:15-9:45—Grade 5
9:45-10:15— Grade 4
10:45-11:15—Grade 2
11:15-11:45—Grade 1
1:00-1:30—Grade 3

4) SIW this week: We’ll discuss Chapters 2 and 3 from Mathematical Mindsets.

5) Movie Day on Thursday.  I had a heck of a time finding a movie suitable for Kinder through 3rd so I decided to split the group up into smaller groups.  We’ll split into 3 groups, K-1, 2-3, and 4-5.  If you were wondering, movies for Kinder-3rd must be rated G, 4-5 can be rated PG.  Please let me know if you have access to renting the movie for your group and I will reimburse you for the rental.

K-1: The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh has a run time of 1 hour 40 minutes.  Let’s plan to start the movie at 9:20–we’ll break for Choice time from 10:05-10:25, then be able to finish the movie before 11:30.  In the gym.

2-3: Toy Story 2 has a run time of 1 hour 37 mins.  If you get started by 9:20 you should be fine.  Frans and Heidi, can you decide which room to use?  The studio could also be an option.

4-5: Run time for Hidden Figures is 2 hours 7 mins.  You’ll need to start as close to 9:05 as possible in order to finish before lunch time, or you could start whenever and finish after lunch-up to you!  I believe you will be in Matt’s room.

6) Talent/Variety show: currently scheduled for Dec 5–should we postpone until the Spring? This would allow Lindsey to be a part of it.  We’ll talk at SIW this week.  March 20 is a possibility, the week before Spring Break.  Please give it a thought and feel free to chat me up about it prior to the meeting if you have ideas.

7) Grades 4 and 5 are headed to Smith Rock on Friday–yahoo!

Here’s to a great week!

Monday AM Notes, October 22

Good Morning All,
I hope you enjoyed the spectacular weekend!  It’s a short with kiddos, and a little longer of a week with parents.  Conversations are this week and as always they are bound to be informative, insightful, and a wonderful way to strengthen partnerships with our families!

First, a fun fact:  Did you know that a baby blue whale consumes 100 gallons of milk every day and gains up to 200 lbs per day?  Random, I know.  But so fascinating I just had to share.

A few notes to get us going:
1) Thanks to all of you for getting writing scores in to the assessment document!

2)  Kinders, Grade 1, and Grade 2 are headed to D and D Ranch on Tuesday.

3) Our next SIW is October 31.  That day we will continue our discussion about Mathematical Mindsets.  I committed to giving you plenty of notice to keeping up with the reading, so please take some time to read Chapters 2 and 3 between now and then and jot down some notes for our discussion.

4) Mask making for Halloween–just wanted to make sure you have it in your plans.  Trick or Treating at the Ed Center will begin just after lunch next Wednesday.

5) I am considering switching recess duty time from mornings to afternoons.  I have plenty of coverage in the mornings now with Brad, Erin, Karima, and me.  The afternoons are a little light with Erin and Karima leaving mid day.  This would mean that on your day you would join us on the playground from 2-2:20.  If you have any concerns about this switch let me know.  I plan to make a decision in the next week so please make sure to share your thoughts sooner than later.

6) EBISS next week:
9:15-9:45—Grade 5
9:45-10:15— Grade 4
10:45-11:15—Grade 2
11:15-11:45—Grade 1
1:00-1:30—Grade 3

7) Matt is coordinating a school wide project titled “I am Different.”  As part of this project we need a photo of each student.  Next Tuesday (30th), Cami Staskal will be here to take pictures for the project.  She will have a station set up and will run classes through very quickly (her words) so there shouldn’t be too much of an interruption to get this done.  She would like to get it done in the AM.  Please let me know of any restrictions in terms of timing for your class.   See Matt for more details about the project.

8) I’ll be off campus between 11:45 and 2pm today.  Call or text if you need anything.

I read this in an article recently–just another affirmation of the importance we put on human development at Amity (if you are interested here is the Article):

Make no mistake. The high value work today is being done in teams and that will only increase as more jobs become automated. The jobs of the future will not depend as much on knowing facts or crunching numbers, but will involve humans collaborating with other humans to design work for machines. Collaboration will increasingly be a competitive advantage.

That’s why we need to pay attention not just to how our kids work and achieve academically, but how they play, resolve conflicts and make others feel supported and empowered. The truth is that value has shifted from cognitive skills to social skillsAs kids will increasingly be able to learn complex subjects through technology, the most important class may well be recess.

Upcoming dates:
October 23: D and D Ranch for K-2
October 31: Trick or Treat at the Ed Center
October 31: EBISS meetings

Here’s to a great week!

Monday AM Notes, October 15

Good Morning!
I’m hoping you got out and enjoyed the Fall weekend.  I babysat my grandkids for most of the day on Saturday and it took me most of Sunday to recover!

A few notes to get you going…

1) Harvest Festival is this Saturday from 4-7pm.  I hope you can join in the fun for a bit.

2) Grade 3 heads to the Metolius on Thursday.

3) Grade 4 and 5 will be participating in an Inspiration Day on Wednesday in partnership with Younity, a local organization that also facilitates the Challenge Days at middle and high schools.  They will be using the gym from 9:30-11:30 on Wednesday.

4) If you haven’t discussed SLIME with your class please do so first thing today so that we are all in harmony on this. If you have already discussed it, please remind your kiddos.   Matt has already begun to cultivate a crew to facilitate the SLIME invitation.

5) We (and when I say we, I mean I) missed a Fire Drill last week.  We’ll do it at 11:15am tomorrow.

6) Grade 3 hosts Cafe Amity this week.

7) I will drop off your SLGGs this morning.  Please be sure to sign up for a quick 10 minute SLGG meeting this week–I sent out the link at the the end of last week and here it is again: SLGG Meetings.  Please have your SLGG completed prior to the meeting–thanks!

8) SIW time this week is for you to prep for Conversations.

9) Brad is out today, Harkin is sick.  Beth Thomas will be here to cover for him.

Here’s to a great week ahead!

The Community Pub Crawl for Colby is tonight, 4-9pm.  $1 per pint is donated.  Here is a list of the participating pubs:

AVID Cider Company, 550 SW Industrial Way
Boneyard Beer Pub, 1955 NE Division St.
Broken Top Bottle Shop, 1740 NW Pence Ln #1
Cascade Lakes Brewing Company, 1441 SW Chandler Ave #100
Crux Fermentation Project, 50 SW Division St.
D&D Bar & Grill, 927 NW Bond St.
Deschutes Brewery Bend Public House, 1044 NW Bond St.
Deschutes Brewery Bend Tasting Room, 901 SW Simpson Ave. (open until 6pm)
GoodLife Brewing, 70 SW Century Dr.
Immersion Brewing, 550 SW Industrial Way
Monkless Belgian Ales, 20750 NE High Desert Ln #107, (3pm-6pm)
10 Barrel Brewing Company Westside, 1135 NW Galveston Ave.
10 Barrel Brewing Company Eastside, 62950 NE 18th St.
Worthy Brewing, 495 NE Bellevue Dr.

Cascade Lakes Brewing Company, 855 SW 7th St.
Wild Ride Brewing, 332 SW 5th St.

Monday AM Notes, October 8

Good Morning All,
I hope you enjoyed the weekend.  I had my daughter Arielle in town this weekend so we could celebrate the beginning of her new career which starts today–a nurse at Good Samaritan Hospital in Corvallis!  It was a great weekend of celebration!

A few notes to get us going:
1) Fire Drill Tuesday at 11:15am.  I have scheduled drills for the rest of the year on our main calendar book in the office.  Here is the list:
Fire Drills (monthly): Oct 9 (11:15), Nov 15 (1:45), Dec 13 (1:45), Jan 9 (12:45), Feb 8 (11:15), March 14 (1:45), April 16 (9:50), May 9 (1:45), June 5 (9:45)
Earth Quake Drills: Oct 30 (1:15), Jan 15 (11:15)
Lockout Drill: Nov 27 (11:00am)
Shelter in Place: Dec 18 (11:15)

2) Grade 4 hosts Cafe Amity this week

3) SIW this week: We’ll have a short info sharing and then you will have time to work in teams on Science.  As a reminder, no district SIW until the Spring.

4) Grade 5 is off to Todd Lake on Thursday

5) EBISS meetings have been set for the year; the first is Wednesday, October 31.  The others: Dec 12, Feb 20, April 17, May 29 (Grade 5 at Tamarack, we’ll meet another time).  Please get these on your calendar.

6) By now you should have done a beginning of year writing assessment.  Please get results to me by the end of the week and include number of 4s earned for each student (usually not many).  Thanks!

Upcoming dates:
*Oct 18: Grade 3 to the Metolius
*Oct 20: Harvest Festival, 4-7pm.  Hope you can make it!
*Oct 23: D and D Ranch field trip (K-2)
*Oct 24-26: Conversations

Here’s to a great week!

Monday AM Notes, October 1

Good Morning All,
I hope you had a great weekend, it’s definitely feeling like Fall!  I genuinely love this time of year with the crisp air, the colors, harvest time–so much to love!

I wanted to start with a couple of Thank Yous…
*Thanks to all of you for warmly welcoming Tonya last week!
*Thanks for your stewardship efforts, there have been noticeable improvements both in and out of the classrooms
*A big, heartfelt thank you for being so incredible during a challenging start to the school year, and for taking care of each other.  Towards the end of last week it really felt like we were hitting our stride and finding our Amity groove.  I truly appreciate your strength and resolve in getting through this first part of the year and for staying so positive and upbeat–I know it has not been easy.

Special note: We’ll have a special visitor for lunch today–Daniel is coming by for a visit!

A few notes to get us going:
1) We have a busy week on the assessment front. DIBELS on Tuesday morning, EasyCBM for Grades 1 & 2 on Wednesday (studio), and EasyCBM for Grades 3/4/5 (in classrooms) at various times throughout the week.

2) SIW this week: This week we will begin to dive in to Mathematical Mindsets.  I’m requesting that you do a little reading prior to our meeting on Wednesday.  Please read the introduction and Chapter 1 in preparation for our meeting.  I believe that each of you has already received a copy of the book, but if you haven’t please see me today and I’ll give you a copy.  We’ll start our meeting at 3pm to give you a little extra time to complete the reading.  In the future I’ll try to give at least a week notice about readings for SIW.  Please come ready to share your highlights from the reading.

3) School pictures on Wednesday

4) Field Trip Requests: Thanks to those of you who are making sure to fill out these requests.  The forms are extremely helpful in tracking field trips and being sure we have done all the needed preparation, and they will help us from year to year.  Please remember to fill out a request for all trips.

5) Dates on the calendar: Please remember to add your field trip dates as well as celebrations, presenters, and all other import dates to the calendar in the office.  On a daily basis we refer to this calendar and many important decisions are made using the calendar.  We can easily avoid double booking or missing events if we keep the calendar up to date.

6) Please remember there is NO ART THIS WEEK.

7) I’ll be leaving school at 3:00pm today for an admin meeting across the street–call or text if you need anything.

*Oct 2: DIBELS in AM
*Oct 1-5: EasyCBM
~Grade 1 on Wednesday @10:30
~Grade 2 on Wednesday @12:30
~Grades 4/5 on Monday, Grade 3 TBD
*Oct 3: School Pictures.  Patti has extra forms and you can also remind parents that they can order on-line (another reminder will be sent today in the October Newsletter).
*Oct 20: Harvest Festival, 4-7pm.  Hope you can make it!

Here’s to a great week ahead!

Monday AM Notes, September 24

Good morning all,
I want to start with a big thank you for last week–it was full and busy, but it was also fun and full of connections.   Thanks for a successful Back to School Night, Pancake Breakfast, and Camp Amity! I truly appreciate all you do!  And thanks to Matt, Amanda, and Scott for staying late last Thursday to help with interviews.  Next year I think we’ll keep the Pancake Breakfast with Camp Amity, but we won’t have Back to School Night the same week–far too ambitious!  Again, thanks for all the extra efforts.

Lots to share this Monday AM:
1) We welcome Tonya Myers this week as a new member of the team!  Please reach out to her and see how you can help her settle in and perhaps make some plans to buddy-up with the Kinders soon.  I greatly appreciate your help in supporting Tonya as she settles in.  A note went out to the community yesterday welcoming Tonya.

2) Outdoor Ed info was supposed to be submitted to me by the end of last week.  For those who have yet to get it done please make time to get it to me by the end of the day Tuesday.

3) SIW this week
: We’ll meet for about 30 minutes, mostly to discuss kiddos needing extra support/attention.  You’ll likely have about an hour to work on other things.  We’ll meet at 2:30 in Frans’ room (hope this is ok Frans!).

4) Important reminder: Whenever you leave campus with your class you must have your phone with you (and please check to be sure it is not silenced).  This is obviously a significant safety measure–you can call for help, and we can locate you when needed (i.e. parents showing up at school and needing to pick up their child).  This applies to planned field trips, Invitations, and spontaneous walking trips–any time you leave campus with students.

5) Field trips this week: Grade 2 heads to Fall River on Tuesday, Grade 5 is headed out to the Deschutes on Thursday.  These both look to be amazing trips!

6) Cafe Amity update: Hopefully you have had a chance to read the letter I sent to families last week regarding changes to Cafe Amity.   A few key points:
*We will continue to encourage families to contribute donations, either in the form of a baked good (made or purchased) and/or to contribute to a fund to purchase freshly baked goods from a local bakery (Village Baker) with whom we will have a standing weekly order.  The donation ($) folders are in the office.  We have suggested a donation of $15-20 for families who would rather donate money than goods.  We already have a few donations!
*We are also encouraging families to get involved by helping their child’s class bake for Cafe Amity.  This is something they can coordinate with you and we just need to know so we don’t purchase bakery items for that week.  One of our new Kinder parents, Chris Bachtel, has graciously offered to work with any class to bake goods–you just need to reach out to her and let her know you are interested.  Let me know and I’ll send you her email address.  Below are the dates that each class is hosting.
*We will continue to need support of parents and students to set up, sell, and clean up.  When it is your week please continue to send out an email to parents asking for donations of freshly baked goods (no donuts, donut holes, cookies), and seeking help with set up (8am), selling, and clean up.

Cafe Amity Dates for each class:
Café Amity Committee: 9/26
5TH Grade: 10/3, 11/28, 1/23, 3/6, 5/1
4th Grade: 10/10, 12/5, 1/30, 3/13, 5/8
3rd Grade: 10/17, 12/12, 2/6, 3/20, 5/15
2nd Grade: 10/31, 12/19, 2/13, 4/3, 5/22
1st Grade: 11/7, 1/9, 2/20, 4/17, 5/29
Kinders: 11/14, 1/16, 2/27, 4/24
*All grades have 5 rotations except for Kinders who have 4

7) Grades 3/4/5–iPad rollout this Friday.  Patti and I will be getting some important info to you today–forms, etc.

8) In case parents are asking (we will be sending a reminder today) the Pastini Fundraiser is tonight and tomorrow night from 5-9.  All families need to do is mention Amity Creek and we get 50% of the profits.

9) Deschutes Brewery is hosting a community fundraiser bonfire this Friday, Sept. 28, 5-9 pm, down next to The Marina in Bend. Beer and raffle sales will benefit the Nightingales.  Let’s try and get as many Amity folks there as possible.  If you are sending out a note this week to families please include this.

10) I have an admin meeting today and will be leaving campus shortly after school gets out.   Call or text if you need me.

Upcoming dates:
*Oct 2: DIBELS in AM
*Oct 1-5: EasyCBM
~Grade 1 on Wednesday @11:30
~Grade 2 on Wednesday @12:30
~Grades 3/4/5–we will coordinate soon.
*Oct 3: School Pics.  Order forms going home today-Patti will deliver to you.

Here’s to a great week ahead!

Monday AM Notes, September 17

Morning all,

I hope you had a good rest after that long (but awesome!) first full week of school.  We’re officially rolling now…

A few notes to get us going:

  1. Communication with the community about Lindsey: I sent an email to Kinder families yesterday morning asking them to join me for a meeting just prior to the end of the day today.  I want to update them face to face and not have them get an email as the situation has the greatest impact on their little ones—I want to look them in the eye and assure them that we have it covered.  As soon as I am done with the meeting I will send out a communication to the community.  As you can imagine it has been a bit of a precarious situation in terms of when and what to communicate—trying to protect Lindsey’s privacy, waiting for Maryn to hear, etc.  So, today is the day.  You will get a copy of the communication as an email this afternoon.
  2. Bus Evacuation today at 9:30am
  3. Back to School Night is this Wednesday starting at 5:30.  I’ll do a short presentation highlighting some of our goals for the year, promote volunteering, etc. and then I’ll send parents off to meet with you. Please be in the gym at 5:30 for a quick intro and then you can retreat to your room.  I will chase everyone out by 7pm, but please feel free to send parents on their way whenever you are finished.  Childcare will be provided on the playground for all school age children.
  4. Camp Amity Thursday and Friday
  5. Pancake Breakfast on Friday starting at 7am
  6. Interviews for Kinder sub on Thursday from 4-6pm. At this point we will interview 4 candidates.  If you know of anyone who might be interested (and a good fit) please have them contact me immediately.  If this first round of interviews does not produce a viable candidate we can start over and find more candidates.  However, I am hopeful that one of the four candidates will be a great fit!
  7. Outdoor Experiences/Environmental Ed trips: As we discussed at last Wednesday’s meeting I am requesting a list of the trips you have planned and a brief description of the activity that will take place.  Please get this to me by the end of this week.  It can be short and sweet.  Thanks!
  8. Cafe Amity begins this week.  The committee will host the first 2 weeks.  Grade 5 will begin October 3.

Here’s to a great week ahead!

Monday AM Notes, September 10

Well, we are officially underway–thanks for a fantastic first week, so much great community building!

A few notes to get us going:
1) SIW this week–we’ll use part of the time to have a staff meeting and you’ll have some work time.  I know you have lots to do!

2)  We’ll start Invitations this week and run them Monday, Tuesday, and Friday beginning at 1:30.  Partnerships start on Thursday at 2:25–K/3, 1/4, 2/5.

3) Grades 3 and 4 will be on an adventure to Crater Lake on Tuesday.  They’ll be gone all day (and then some).

4) Concert on the Green is this Friday from 5-8pm.   Picnic and music, a nice way to end the first full week.  Hoping you can make it!  Pizza, drinks, and Shave Ice will be for sale.

5)  We’ll have our first Fire Drill on Thursday at 1:30pm.  Please take time to talk to your kiddos about it and do a little practice so they’re ready.

6) In case you don’t read the esteemed Bend Bulletin, this article is worth a read and really (big shocker) validates what we already know to be true: kids need to play in order to develop crucial life skills.

That’s it, here’s to a great first full week,

Monday AM Notes September 4

Happy First Monday,
It’s show time, hoping you are feeling ready to go!  Just a few notes to kick off this first week:

  1. I sent an email with a tentative schedule for the first two weeks of community building–please have a look at it as soon as possible and feedback any adjustments that you think need to be made.  Wednesday’s partnerships (10:30-11:30): Gr 2/5, Gr 1/4, Kinder/3
  2. I’d like to keep the morning Choice supervision rotation the same this year.  With the addition of an additional EA we will have lots of coverage on the playground so this may be a great opportunity for you to get out and play (if all other areas are covered).  As a reminder: Amanda (Mon), Frans (Tues), Heidi (Wed), Wendy (Thur), Matt (Fri), Lindsey as needed.
  3. Community Time starts at 9am today.  We’ll have a song with Dale and then the staff intros via pictures from the summer.
  4. Let’s work together to really launch our school-wide stewardship from Day 1.  Starting with a  “Leave No Trace” ethic will be a good start–essentially, if you used it put it back where you got it from, if you made a mess (which we embrace!) make sure you clean it up.  Please be sure to leave time at the end of each day to take care of classroom chores and clean around around campus.  Let’s hold the kids accountable!  Together we can instill an very important ethic in our kiddos and give them an enhanced sense of ownership of Amity!
  5. Starting Thursday Jim will be gone until next Friday (14th).  The person covering for him is named Lewis, some of you may have met him this summer (he was cleaning Matt’s windows during one of our meetings…).  He’ll be here from 11am into the evenings starting Thursday.

Upcoming dates
*September 10-14: Scholastic Book Fair—stock up on new books for the first part of the school year.
*September 14: Back to School Concert on the Green—It’s back for a second year!  Picnic and music on the field here at school–more details coming soon.  5-8pm @Amity
*September 19: Back to School Night, starts at 5:30pm. Child care will be available.
*September  20-21: Fall Camp Amity!
*September 21: Annual Pancake Breakfast.  Join us for pancakes prepared by the staff. Breakfast is from 7-8:30am.
*October 3: School pictures—dress to impress

Let’s Teach Like Finland and keep joy a priority in the classroom!  Looking forward to a fantastic year ahead!
